God Wars II


God Wars II is a fast and furious PK mud, designed to test player skill in terms of pre-battle preparation and on-the-spot reflexes, as well as the ability to adapt quickly to new situations. Take on the role of a godlike supernatural being in a fight for supremacy.

About your character:

* Three different types of character creation. * Levelless advancement through stats, skills, talents and powers. * Over a hundred and fifty specialised talents. * Over a hundred unique powers divided among six classes. * Redesign your character freely - only name and class are fixed.

About the world:

* Roomless coordinate-based world with weather, tides, etc. * Dynamically generated object, world and creature descriptions. * Three scales of ASCII map for the world, and one for weather. * Other planes of existence, distorted mirrors of the main world. * Every player has their own terraformable home plane.

About the combat:

* Manual combat requires simultaneous control of 4-6 locations. * Over 12,000 fighting techniques, with dozens of combat tables. * Each weapon type has its own fighting moves and combinations. * Different types of wound, each with their own penalties. * Unique spell system, fully compatible with the combat system.

About equipment:

* Object Oriented design: All items (and small mobs) are weapons. * Layered clothing and armour, which can cover multiple locations. * Randomly generated magical items, with type-specific bonuses. * Numerous ways to craft and customise your weapons and armour. * Epic items: Powerful items with fully-customisable bonuses.

About exploration:

* Earn rewards and unlock quests as you explore the world. * Various one-shot quests each with their own challenges. * Randomly generated dungeons, with rewards for killing the boss. * Hundreds of different monsters with unique skills and tactics. * Maps which can be deciphered, providing another way to advance.

Other features:

* Different pets that can be trained, equipped, and issued orders. * Shapechanging powers, including a fully customisable demon form. * Boost system, which rewards casual play and discourages botting. * The WAR mini-game; order your worshippers to slay the heathens! * Lock-picking puzzle system based completely on player skill.

Mud Theme: Dark fantasy

Client Recommendation: http://www.godwars2.org/plugins

God Wars II Mud Reviews

19 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Nikko
Posted on Mon Nov 7 07:25:55 2016 / 0 comments
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Great mud, favorite actually. Unlike most other muds botting is acceptable, without being an overwhelming advantage on the non-botters.

The learning curve is slightly steep, but there is almost always someone online to help around.

Roleplay in not expected, but there is a HUUGE list of emotes, plus custom emotes you can do, and rp is very much encouraged, we have a few great ones :)

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Review posted by seven
Posted on Wed Feb 5 08:16:33 2014 / 1 comment
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Godwars II is what you might imagine a classroom full of first graders devolving into after a teacher has left the room for 20 minutes. I have seen a lot of reviews (mostly negative) and a recent forum post where KaVir can not make up his mind as how to handle this group of players and wanted to give it a try. first off, I want to say that the mud itself is amazing. If I could just connect to my very own godwars II and play, I would be fairly happy. My only hitch as far as the game goes is the lack of players around my age as a newbie to pk with. As I am really into PK, this is a rough spot for me. There are more people as I go up the ladder, so I guess I will have to work up to that point.

My second and largest issue is the playerbase as a whole. These are the sorts of players you need a lot of beer or some good medication to handle for to long and nothing is off limits. I have seen reviews where KaVir basically trashed a player for complaining about all the spam and issues and stated that he provides the tools to allow you to deal with yourself. This is half true and half not. Firstly, at this very moment when I create a character I land in the main village, where there are three characters whose purpose is to do nothing but stand around and be used to spam chat (more on that later). There is also a bot (sealboy) who was made to make fun of another player who basically just says and emotes random stuff over and over again. There is also a player who has botted tossing the heads of two people he dislikes back and forth from one hand to another. This is obviously a wonderful place for newbies to be introduced to the game. While they're trying to learn their way around, everything is cluttered by these useless chars and all of this spam (which we don't actually have the tools to deal with). As I mentioned before, nothing is off limits--it's not all that uncommon to see insults flung back and forth on the newbie channel (or even at the newbies, for that matter).

My final biggest issue is the use of the channels and bots themselves. I have seen references to characters being set up to be used in response to another player chatting, but I never really thought it would go as far as it has. Right now as I write this, there is currently a bot called troll whose purpose is to do nothing but send a random prewritten message to the chat channel when hellbane or one of the many alts previously mentioned standing around in the village uses the channel. While I am told that KaVir previously asked for this to be kept off of the chat channel, he is not here (nor has he been in almost a week now) and the aforementioned tools to combat these issues are doing us all a lot of good. Along with the spam bots, the bots I mentioned earlier are also used for their own form of spam. There is a bot that someone wrote that will remember everyone's chat messages and which you can use over a public channel to see what someone's last chat was, as long as how long ago it was sent. Naturally, this is being abused as well. There are probably at least 5 characters per every unique player (on the low end) that were created and whose purpose was to send some insult over chat and quickly disconnect. These are triggered by the bot any time someone goes into a fit of rage and feels like sending insults at someone else's clan, mother, brother or famly. It's like having a hotkey with preprogrammed insults for the players you hate the most you can use without requiring to much effort.

I enjoy the game quite a lot, though I am not sure if I want to stick around and watch all this drama play out. Using the ignore feature would basically have me ignoring ~90% of the current active player base which is a bit depressing and irritating all at the same time. I don't mind it off and on, but eventually it's a bit like listening to a couple of kids constantly fight with each other back and forth and it gets old really fast. KaVir's tools for handling these issues are not very complete and thus the game does not really tend to run itself in the absence of an admin. As he has been gone for about a week or so, I do not see anything changing that fast. In the event he takes notes, I fully expect another forum post asking the community at large how to clean up the trash that has infested his mud; apparently thinking for himself is a bit to much to ask. I believe there are less complex (but better run) muds out there that will not require a masochistic attitude to play.

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Comment posted on Tue Feb 4 14:01:12 2014 by Xakarii:

Ok, so what I'm hearing is you would rather play a pk mud with no other players, because you don't like hearing comments over a channel that you can toggle on and off with 'config chat'. Makes sense to me! Also, I haven't seen Towncrier shouting in Glyphstone in quite a long time, and even when he did it wasn't all the time. Though it does make sense to give newbies an option of starting the game with removable earplugs that gag all say, whisper, shout and tell messages. And KaVir, being the cool guy that he is would probably seriously consider this idea if anyone ever suggested it.

Review posted by Anonymous
Posted on Tue May 19 11:30:27 2015 / 9 comments
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When I first came across this supposedly PK-oriented game on TMC, I was impressed with the complexity of its combat system and I looked forward to some intense PK action. Sadly, over the years, my adventures there have led me to feel that this a game you should probably avoid at all costs. The player base there is very small and they get extremely upset when you kill them, often subjecting you to torrents of abuse over one small death. Killing them also seemed to upset the designer of this game, and he often changes the game play on their whims. If you somehow manage to succeed in any facet of the game, you will find the mechanics are quickly adjusted against you. This has ruined PK and allows this tiny incestuous group of players to run 'bots' to kill mobs for hours while safe from PK. Since PK is pretty much the only thing to do there, you will find yourself bored in short order. However, if you enjoy scratching your head in befuddlement, or banging it repeatedly against a wall, perhaps this is the place for you.

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Comment posted on Sat Aug 17 11:21:39 2013 by Sorressean:

First, I would really like to cut this review off and explain a bit about the person(s) in charge of writing it. They came on a few years ago and kind of fit in well with Godwars--they died and PKed and everything was cool. Shortly after, they decided to start creating alts (they now have about 150 of them in total). The changes that KaVir has made to the game are patches to exploits that they are using and abusing. These exploits are being used by a lot of people, but this group of idiots just took the abuse to a whole new level. For example, the two most recent changes KaVir implemented was a limit on the characters that could war, and a preventative to keep people from kill stealing. The war change was important because the writer of this review (Batty) and his brother currently have about 150 alts between them, which they would use to flood war. Four times a day a mini game runs and allows players to play a sort of card game in order to gain glory, which you can use to customize certain pieces of equipment in the game. Batty and alts would all join the war with about 100 alts, thus making the game sort of pointless as they were botting it. It also made it hard for anyone who they didn't like because most usually you'd have about 20 characters attacking you. The second change he made was a preventative on kill stealing; when someone they did not like would be getting primal(xp), they would kill them. After you die, under certain conditions you gain some protection from PK. since they could not kill the person directly, they decided to solve the problem by killing the mobs the player was killing. For many, there is nothing they can do about a max level character attacking them or the mobs they are killing until they themselves are at that same age. When these players are not engaged in being as much of a nuisance as possible to all of the players, they like to spend their time writing bots which respond every time a player uses a channel with a random response. This obviously is spammy and serves no purpose.

With all of this out of the way, I would like to address what is actually left in the review itself. KaVir takes a hard stand on imposing no rules on the game himself, except those he can impose through code. This obviously has numerous good and bad points; the worst being that players like Batty have been able to drive players away. On the other end of the spectrum though, it allows players to essentially govern themselves with KaVir's intervention to solve problems where needed. During my time playing the game, KaVir has never directly stepped into a dispute or an argument; he has either solved the problem by writing code to fix it, or in the case of misuse of channels requesting that players move their arguments to a channel created for it. As previously mentioned, there are a few issues that people currently abuse, which KaVir is making an effort to fix; these exploits for lack of a better term are what Batty and his brother are taking advantage of. While many people bot and many people use any advantage they can find, Batty takes this abuse to a whole new level. They claim that it is for an altruistic purpose; apparently KaVir is incapable of acknowledging and fixing bugs without a flagrant abuse of them first.

In short, this review is utter trash; if the game is as bad as they say it is, the least they could do is quit. As they've already mentioned, it's nothing but a chat room for them; a chat room in which they need about 20 characters connected between them in order to participate. I also find it discouraging that a group of two people is able to ruin a game to the point they have for so many people. While I respect KaVir for his work on godwars and patches to prevent these sorts of exploits from taking place, it's high time something was done about it; these players have contributed nothing to the game and are doing everything possible to bring it down.

Comment posted on Sun Aug 18 03:06:17 2013 by Anonymous:

Indeed the entire player base multi-plays and has many alts, including the person who chose to respond to this review. The difference is that the developer chooses to protect their alts/bots specifically and implements measures to allow them to bot unimpeded. You will find that botting or multi-playing aren't a problem until YOU choose to do it and anger these certain players. You will hear from these same players how they plan to take over the game with hundreds of alts, but good luck if you try to complain about it.

Another annoying aspect of the game is that certain players have been given unique items by the developer that the rest of the player base does not have access to. You can't even pay real cash to get them, and since the developer has given up on the game, you will not be getting access to them any time soon.

I certainly do not wish to bring this game down as is implied above, I am merely stating some observations I have made from being a long-time player. This review will likely anger those players and they will try to spout some rubbish to justify their actions, but at the end of the day you should probably just let them play with themselves and save yourself a headache.

Comment posted on Sun Aug 18 08:55:12 2013 by Sorressean:

First, this idea of KaVir playing favorites keeps coming up; the idea is ludicrous at best. KaVir has never complained about multiplaying, nor does anyone care to stop it. Everyone has alts (just not 150 of them), and everyone multiplays to a point. There's only so much you can multiplay viably, especially if you care about PK and do not want to get attacked. The exploits that have been fixed were exploits that were issues in and of themselves; it was not a strike against Batty or anyone else. KaVir is pretty fair on this point.

As for the unique items that were mentioned, these items were gained through pvp matches using avatars (players who have not classed). The items were given as a bonus for winning the matches; Batty and his brother also had a chance to join these. Instead, they played their usual game of flinging insults back and forth and complaining loudly and voting the game down because they were not getting the chance to harass players. KaVir had to spend extra time writing an arena of sorts so that they could not jump in and ruin the matches for others.

KaVir has admittedly taken a break--he's taken two in the five or six years I've been playing. As he is the main developer and this game has been up for at least 8 years, I'd say he should be taking a break from time to time. I have been on more the past few days and KaVir has been active, putting in bug fixes and talking about new ideas and development he is interested in working on. In short, I'd say he hasn't exactly given up on the game.

With all of this said, I can't imagine anyone playing a game day after day that they dislike so much. If the game really is that horrible, I can only come to the conclusion that they like scratching their head in befuddlement/banging it repeatedly against a wall, which I guess explains where this review comes from. Bang on, bro!

Comment posted on Sun Aug 18 16:04:39 2013 by Anonymous:

I'm sorry but we are going to have to agree to disagree on these points. Considering you don't even play the game much anymore, I'm not entirely sure you are even qualified to comment. You are simply an apologist for the players that I have mentioned above. You know little of PK from what I have seen, and you are merely holding a grudge against the players who killed you. As a player who threatened to ruin the game with your alts and who claims every time they are killed that they were botting, I'm not sure you are aware of the irony of any of your statements. I still enjoy the mechanics of this game which is what keeps me around, but the player base seems to have some real emotion problems and extremely fragile egos. I would suggest you keep your personal grudges to yourself if you want to remain objective.

Comment posted on Mon Aug 19 02:41:13 2013 by KaVir:

I don't blame people for exploiting bugs or loopholes in the mechanics, but the issues still need to be fixed for the betterment of the game - because even if you enjoy them in the short term, they are not fun for the majority, nor will they even provide sustainable fun for you. A newbie cannot reasonably compete with dozens of bots, nor can they progress if they are killed over and over again without a chance to catch their breath, or if bots follow them around stealing their kills and preventing them from ever advancing. Without changes to address these sort of issues new players will continue to be driven off (and write reviews like http://www.mudconnect.com/mud-bin/prev/review.cgi?rid=31734), and that's when the PK becomes boring - because there's nobody new to fight. And these changes apply to everyone, there are no 'special measures'.

Regarding the 'unique items', those were given out as rewards for a player-run tournament. You said you didn't trust the judge, so I offered to judge your matches personally, but you declined. I'm afraid that's your loss, you'll now have to wait until the items come into regular circulation. However as they are epic items, and each character can only use one epic item at a time, it doesn't put you at a disadvantage power-wise - it just means you haven't been able to play with the new toys yet.

And yes, I took a break for a while, there were some other things I was working on. But now I'm back and working on the mud again, so expect to see more changes in the future.

Comment posted on Mon Aug 19 08:08:47 2013 by Anonymous:

I agree that players should not have to resort to using tons of bots in the game in order to succeed, and that newbies should not be harassed. The problem lies in that many of these so-called newbies are not real newbies but are just older players spamming alts and pretending to be newbies. It is pretty easy to tell the difference between the two when you look at the time it took them to class, or the gear they are wearing. Another problem lies in the fact that people are able to bypass these things still using proxies. A player named Mayhem uses it to get around the punishment for entering multiple alts into the great war mini game, and I tested it myself and realized that its possible to have multiple alts in the Nexus this way, beyond the two normally allowed. I am also quite sick of being blamed for these things. In actual fact I have only had to resort to them to compete with the same people who now complain so vocally about it and try to blame others. So, I welcome any changes that will effectively prevent this sort of thing and level the playing field for all players and real newbies.

Comment posted on Wed Aug 21 07:47:13 2013 by Bonecaster:

I've been playing GWII since 2008. Simply put, the best MUD around for 'realistic' combat and movement, with the freedom to customize and rebuild your characters as you see fit. The admin is not oppressive or overly intrusive and while the development had slowed recently it looks to be taking another upturn and I'm looking forward to whatever new additions come our way. The playerbase takes this freedom to the extreme of course, leading to past abuses of botting both in the war minigame and PK, but KaVir has taken adequate steps to deal with it. Typical, it seems, of any competetive MUD environment where people seem to freak out when they lose and then seek to even the odds with any steps available to them.

One of the most attractive aspects of the game is that it is completely free, so there is no 'donation equipment' for people to stack up the odds in their favour. So if you're looking for a true test of skill in PVP with fairly well-balanced classes, this is the ideal place to find it.

On the other hand, one of the larger issues working to reduce fun in the overall game is the safe-mode change. Players abusing botting apparently didn't enjoy having their bots killed repeatedly, leading to the ability to bot for 8+ hours in PK environments while remaining completely invulnverable. This serves to eliminate the balancing risk/reward factor in gear accumulation, which I feel will lead to further balance issues down the road. Yet, I feel that with KaVir's history of finding innovative ways to solve problems with player behaviour even this issue will be resolved in the near future.

Players win, others lose, smacktalk escalates in hyperbole and outright lies,but the game rolls on- and continues to be, in my opinion, the most exciting and original MUD I've found.

Comment posted on Thu Aug 29 19:37:43 2013 by Anonymous:

The worst part is friends killing each other to get safe mode. This is an abusive tactic that I have seen players who can't fight using lately. I saw a player named Pygmalion killing his friend Shin so that he could be safe for hours. This kind of thing has utterly ruined the game and until it is addressed PK (which is pretty much the only thing to do most of the time for older players) will become extinct.

Comment posted on Sat May 16 20:53:23 2015 by Necroface:

Alright, so I got a bit curious and dropped by TMC to see where GWII stands after returning and whatnot.
Came across this.

Let me give you the straight up math of this situation so you all can determine who is full of BS here and who is being honest.
In the time that Colossus (the Pantheon[or guild] consisting of the Original Poster and his brother Bonecaster, and their 3290864389264 alts)
joined the game and until they left, we went from a solid healthy playerbase with new players, old players, mid players and people
returning, to almost nothing. It dropped down to only the die hards and we barely enjoyed it outside of dueling each other and whatnot.
Now, yes there was a division of players as the OP said. And yes there were many, MANY changes that KaV was forced to make in the program,
to alter Colossus' game play.
But you know what? The division was literally Colossus(2ppl) > The Entire Community.
The changes made? To stop them from just being outright unpleasant. They lived and breathed for griefing.
New players, old players, whatever, they would do anything at all in their power to make them not enjoy the game.

There's a system that was put in place where, if you are massively more powerful than someone else, and you kill them, a ridiculously
strong NPC called a Paradox Spirit would spawn and kill you if you didn't get away quick enough. Also, you gain absolutely no Primal (pseudo-exp)
Colossus would STILL slaughter newbies over and over and run like hell from it.
Then they would spam chat with the most absurd comments.
I talk like a sailor, sure. But I'm not hateful to anyone and everyone by nature. Good riddance to these two, although Gary, the OP's brother,
is much more level headed, he still participated in this when he felt like it.

These 'Just bots' they're killing are newbies that are trying really hard to enjoy the game, and because Colossus slaughters our
playerbase to where newbies never want to continue, there is a SEVERE gap in when you're actually able to PK with anyone. So we tell these
newbies how to bot, the best places/etc to grind up as fast as possible. And Colossus takes all measures to stop these newbies from progressing.

Now to finish up this math?
After they left.
With zero advertising on an old game.
We've been getting more newbies than we've seen in a long time.
And guess what?
They're staying.

Review posted by altara
Posted on Thu Jan 3 14:20:23 2013 / 3 comments
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I know that reviews tend to concentrate on Mechanics, but it appears that Godwars II has been hit by some issues I’d like to talk about. Despite Kavir and Ragnar’s assurances that the game is a happy lovely place now, Batty and his brother still continue to control it.

The game essentially is controlled by two brothers, Batty and Bonecaster. These two have about 95 characters between them (however they try to split it up and talk about other people playing from the same place), and keep the top two slots on the pantheon board by mapping these 95 chars up so that no one else can get there. Essentially the only way to get up to the top two is to have that many alts to map with as well, thus making it less Godwars and more Altwars.

Apart from their alts, which are fairly annoying, they have taken to spamming the main meeting point for players with chars that just send random messages to Gossip and the village around them. Gossip is uncensored and unmonitored, so the solution here is to just tune the channel off and forget about it, but it’s not. We now have yet another bot that when a specific player and his alts (Zoal) speak, sends more random messages to chat. It gets incredibly spammy and annoying, but again nothing is being done about it.

Finally these buffoons have taken to walking around after players they don’t like and stealing the kill from their chars with a character much older. Want to argue with them, awesome! You can do so as long as you have a couple age 500 characters to fight them with, because odds are it’s going to be a two on one. It’s not uncommon for them to use an age 500 (which is the highest level in the game, if you will) to lower a player down that they couldn’t beat before, then use a character that player’s age to kill him, thus earning a victory.

It is incredible to me that Kavir lets this go on. They have badgered and insulted newbies, spent more time voting Godwars II down and talking trash, as well as harassing players and at times making them quit. I recommend Godwars II for the mechanics; see other reviews, but until Kavir actually changes something notable to keep these two from making the game hell for anyone who they don’t like, it is pointless. There are numerous comments talking about changes and etc., but there has yet to be a change to fix these problems. It would also be worth noting that it’s the same couple of people that try to push every review down with comments. Some are valid, some are less so. I hope that eventually Kavir gets tired of seeing these two trash his game and wants to do something about it; finding other bad reviews where they were listed as problems is not all that hard.

Kav should be commended for seeing their attempts to make the game harder as issues and fixing them, but there becomes a point where they are less players and more parasites on the game to be removed. When they are not around spamming the hell out of the main channel, people have fun and there’s a lot of good conversation on the channel usually. You have a fair bit of flaming and arguments, but it’s nothing that tends to go on.

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Comment posted on Mon Dec 17 11:20:55 2012 by torik:

I have always heard a lot of good stuff about Godwars II, so I was excited to start playing. When I started, I was greeted by a player on a timer who emoted ringing a bell and banging a drum, as well as shouted random nonsense to the entire village which is kind of the central point for the mud. I asked about it on the newbie channel and was greeted by a Colossus member (I forget who now, but there's apparently only two) who screamed about how it didn't hurt and etc and tried to justify it.

I went on to play the game after finding chat and logged off a bit later to go work on some stuff. I came back again today and was greeted to another Colossus member spamming chat. I made a comment about how his insults (who are directed to a player that apparently has them totally filtered out to begin with) are really spammy and got attacked. After a bit of back and forth I had to ignore the player so I could play the game without being spammed over chat. I am using a screen reader, so a ton of spam is obviously kind of hard to deal with. Looking back at chat history, it is totally full. It holds a max of 20 messages, and all 20 messages are from Sensai in the span of about 3 minutes, cursing and screaming and insulting both Zoal and myself.

I really like the game and what I've seen of it so far, but I never want to log on to a mud and deal with a bunch of kids who have some serious issues as well as an admin that feels that allowing them is the way to go. I don't care so much that I had to ignore them on chat I suppose, but newbie is for newbie questions, not Colossus's rants and insults to new players. According to another review, Newbiehelpers were being introduced, but at this point they seem relatively useless since nothing happened. As the review stated, I recommend Godwars for it's mechanics, but be ready to take a trip down memory lane back to grade school.

Comment posted on Thu Dec 20 09:43:41 2012 by KaVir:

I don't like people ranting and insulting each other over the public channels either, but the question is where do I draw the line? Do I start banning players for saying something offensive? How do I decide what is offense and what is reasonable? You said you responded over the public channels as well - how would you have felt if I'd banned both of you? Would that have been fair, or would you have felt that your own actions were justified, and that I'd targeted you unfairly? Don't you think others would feel the same?

That's why I added the 'ignore' command. It lets each player decide for themselves where the line should be drawn. You find someone obnoxious? Ignore them. Add a '*' after their name and you'll ignore all of their alts as well.

If you want a game where the staff ban and delete players for upsetting other people, then I'm afraid God Wars II is not the mud for you. I've given you the power to deal with them yourself, and I expect you to do so.

Comment posted on Thu Jan 3 13:07:55 2013 by Torik:

KaVir: Thanks for your comment. I was curious if anyone watched this. I understand you added the ignore feature, and I was more than happy to make use of it. The issues I see are this: People have made repeated complaints about the spam of alts. No, I don't expect you to ban every char for doing something wrong, but there's a point when your refusal to do anything gets a little out of hand and hurts the game more than helps it. When I log on as a new player to see a spambot essentially, as the bot serves no purpose screaming crap and I see people insulting newbies on a channel made for helping them, that is also a problem. You say ignore? I say make your game a place where newbies can ask questions without getting flamed. I would also like to recommend you actually fix ignore. Whether or not I ignore TownCrier, I still get their spam in glyph which is where I am dumped as a newbie.

Review posted by Torik
Posted on Tue Oct 16 10:22:11 2012 / 3 comments
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I started playing God Wars II about 5-6 years ago, and through those 6 years and my playing on and off, there have been many numerous changes. I have to say that it is one of the most advanced and complex muds I’ve ever played, and for that I really enjoy it; it’s not to often one stumbles upon a unique mud with all of the options for character customizations that are available.

One of the most unique features I have seen is the movement and combat in the mud. Movement isn’t done room by room as with most muds, but is distance based; you target a location, NPC or building and then type ff to start your feet moving in that direction. This allows for a lot of combat that still sort of exists in other muds but can’t be exploited to it’s full potential. For example, imagine a ranged build where you are casting; in most other muds, you might be able to throw stuff from room to room, but it’s not exactly ranged. In God Wars II, a caster could start casting and retreat away from another player so that their melee weapons could not hit them. It is then up to the player to find some way to catch the caster or disable him from retreating.

As I mentioned already, the FF command would start your feet moving forward; this idea is not only limited to your feet. Each limb (feet, left and right arm, head and sometimes tail) gets different commands, which are called techniques it can perform. A caster has commands like wiggle, snap, clap and point, which they are able to chain together to cast spells. For example, a caster might type rw rc rp to teleport; It means that they are wiggling their right finger, clapping, then pointing in the direction they targeted; upon completion of the final tech the caster is teleported. This set of commands also extends to weapons as well; when you wield a weapon, it alters the techs you can perform with that hand. A whip might have a lash tech, but it wouldn’t make sense for a sword to have the same sort of command.

Your characters are built up by using powers and talents; you get powers by aging up, and occasionally you have the ability to grab an extra talent. Powers generally give ranked-based bonuses, with talents to add to those or add other abilities to your character. For example, a demon might have powers in Demon form, which gives stats per rank. An age 400 player then, could have demon form at a base of 40 (minus any bonuses you may have).

As mentioned before, apart from powers you have talents which further allow you to customize your character. Talents like ambidextrous, which allows your off-hand to perform techs at the same speed as your right hand, to tough hide, which allows some setups to gain extra resistance.

All in all, God Wars II is a very enjoyable mud to play; it’s loose set of rules and an admin that is willing to work with the players is of course a bonus. One primary problem I am noticing is the trend from players to bots. While I have been guilty of botting (botting your kills and then playing with your character is much more fun for me), it has turned into a war to see who can make the most characters. For example, there is an event that occurs 4 times a day that is called the great war. It is essentially a fairly sophisticated card game. While people would generally bot it sometimes with between say 1 and 4 players, KaVir decided that to make it more fair, if you joined the war with more than one player, the gods (the NPCS in the war) would go after you harder than anyone else. To get around this, two people have created a multitude of alts; essentially what happens is they put enough bots in the war than there are gods, so essentially they always win quite a lot of glory each time they decide to flood the war with bots. This might not be a huge issue, but should you dare to not agree with them while they harass other players (and newbies quite often as well), you get to be the target of some 40 plus odd bots that go after you. While I don’t have a problem with PK, as God Wars II is a PK mud, it seems as if the mud has degraded into a contest of who can have the most bots.

God Wars II has made huge improvements in the time I played; while there have been lapses in new features from time to time, KaVir always adds something new and cool to play with and tweaks it a bit as he goes to make it more in balance with the rest of the game. As I mentioned before, I particularly enjoy the unique setting and gameplay that God Wars II offers, as well as the vast array of customizations open to each player. While there are issues with two people harassing everyone and flooding the war with bots, I believe KaVir will work out a fix that will balance things out again. I would really like to encourage everyone to go give the game a shot.

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Comment posted on Sat Oct 13 12:05:56 2012 by Anonymous:

I have to agree with the fact that most players are probably going to have a hard time with all the botting and multiple alts in this game. Its true, recently a few minor changes were made to wars to prevent some of this, but many of the other parts of the game are still dominated by it. Hopefully in the future this will be amended, but for now if you are looking for a 'fair game' without tons of multiple alts and botting then this is probably not the game for you.

Comment posted on Tue Oct 16 03:02:02 2012 by KaVir:

You may be pleased to note that players are now restricted to two characters each during Great/Chaos Wars. I've also applied the same two character restriction to regular gameplay within the Nexus.

Even having two characters is an advantage, of course, but as you pointed out the lords are already much more likely to attack players who join the war with multiple characters.

For regular play in the Nexus, I've introduced a separate handicap system which gives players an artificial boost to age 600 during PK (at least in terms of skills, styles and stats). This is weaker than proper advancement, but it does reduce the power difference between older and younger characters - and because the handicap DOESN'T apply if you've got more than one character in the Nexus, it further helps reduce the advantage of multiplaying.

I've also been introducing other changes to reduce newbie abuse, for example Temporal Shift no longer allows you to teleport players around if they're much younger than you, while event and Nexus mobs are no longer aggressive outside of their spawning areas (so if you lead the mobs to newbies they won't kill them, they'll just walk back to their starting areas).

In addition I've started introducing 'newbie helpers', who have the ability to block people from verbally harrassing newbies, and will have additional options for helping newbies who are stuck or confused. They are not true staff (and have no special abilities that help them competitively), but I'm hoping they will help make the game more appealing to newcomers.

Comment posted on Tue Oct 16 09:16:57 2012 by Ragnar:

It should be noted that the mentioned botting abuses have, by in large, been fixed. Tweaking will still be necessary, however in the last week wars have reverted to normal and it is now difficult or impossible to use more than 2 characters at once for pk.

Review posted by Ragnar
Posted on Wed Aug 1 09:13:03 2012 / 0 comments
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I've said on the mud for quite a while now that I would write a review, and yet it just never happened. So here it is in all of its dubious glory.

My character name on the mud is Ragnar, and I've been playing Godwars2 for about 6 years. Well, since mid-2006 anyway. So, I feel I have a fairly good view of the mud and how it has progressed over a period of time. As a result, I thought I would write a review focusing not on the mud mechanics, but rather on the social mechanics. That is, I have found that all reviews for godwars2 seem to focus on the combat, the coordinate based movement and so on, as they rightly should. These are extremely important and innovative mechanics that have kept me and countless other players around for years. But, when I look at a mud, mechanics are the surface, but what truly determines whether or not I stay is the social mechanics, or, how players interact with one another and how the staff interact with the players. That's what I'll try to address in this review, and I'll try to do it reasonably objectively.

Player/player dynamics One of the most interesting aspects of gw2 is the fact that there are no explicit rules. Help rules specifically tells you that common sense and a certain amount of critical thinking will tell you what ought and ought not be done. But there are no hard policies, hardcoded rules, bans or anything of the sort. This has had a few affects, both positive and negative. Negatively, this leads to the obvious: people feel that they are entitled to do whatever they want. Which really, they are. This means they can be quite abusive, but merely be disagreeable in relation to other players, not explicitly to the rules. However, this has, in large, been dealt with. The positive aspect of having no rules is the way in which these types of people are dealt with. Simply put, we as the player base have, over time, come to an agreement on a set of implicit rules. It's a flexible, malleable, and inconstant and subject to change system, but it's been here for close to 7 years, and the players as a whole generally seek to enforce them. Such obvious rules as, 'don't spamkill newbies,' and 'don't ignore game breaking bugs.' But also less obvious rules, like: 'try to help newbies if you have the experience,' and, in respect to said newbies, 'be patient and intelligent about how you learn to play the mud.' I personally find that this system that we have developed, though perhaps flawed in some ways, is superior to any set of admin chosen rules, because it not only was decided on by the community as a whole, but also can change easily and doesn't require admin intervention. This manifests itself in a variety of ways as well. For example, on many muds, there are designated newbie helpers, who will help a newbie even if they are impatient, belligerent and coarse. On gw2, almost every single player will go out of their way to help a newbie, but we have no actual obligation to do so. This means that when we get that stray newbie who is impatient and unwilling to listen to advice, we are under no restrictions, and generally don't even bother. This, combined with the steep learning curve, affectively means we are a game free of angry teenagers and people who lack the patience to learn and the intelligence to read helpfiles. Perhaps this makes the mud and the player’s elitist? I can't really answer that objectively, but I will say that godwars2 conversations are often harsh, uncensored and coarse, but they are also the most intelligent, thoughtful and logically sound conversations I have found on a mud to date. So, this has its positives and negatives as I have said. But if you enjoy a mud where intelligence and hard work actually pays off, then we might be right for you. If you are impatient, easily offended and unlikely to take advice, then perhaps it's not. Note though that if you decide to try us, I would advise at least glancing at our website: http://www.godwars2.org It has valuable information that may help you from the start.

Admin/player dynamics. The second element to social dynamics on a mud that I look for are admin to player. That is, how do the admin respond to player suggestions, how do they interact with the players, and how fair and objective are they. On this, I can definitively say there are no negatives. KaVir, the only coder and primary staff member, is one of the best, if not the best, admin I have ever had the pleasure of mudding under. I say this not because I have been on his mud for so long, but rather because I find his method of player interaction extremely affective. Basically, KaVir has a close relationship with the mud players, as opposed to the distant one characteristic of most muds. When he is logged on, he talks with the players about anything and everything, and I have never seen him ignore or refuse to answer a question. Similarly, I would say three quarters of the changes made to the mud are player suggested, and he draws them from the entirety of the base rather than from a few players like in some muds. If a newbie has a good suggestion, it will be added, or at least considered. If the suggestion isn't workable, KaVir is in the habit of explaining why, and even giving the player a chance to rethink and resuggest the change. What this leads to on a social level is that KaVir is not often viewed as an enforcer. He's not viewed as a player certainly, but the way in which players interact with him allows for a feeling of player involvement, and means that those player enforced rules discussed above are not contrary to the implementer's philosophy, because we know what his focus for the game is, and where he's trying to take it. We develop our player dynamics accordingly, and, as a majority, work to further those goals. Finally, KaVir is very fair. In those rare cases in which player rules are insufficient and admin action must be taken, he considers all sides, from what I have seen. Discussion is accepted and responded to, and he is far from a dictator. I would go so far as to say he does not enjoy or even remotely want to enforce admin rules, and as a result acts more like a facilitator for enforcing rules than anything. It works, ultimately. Godwars2, to quote a forum thread I have long since forgotten, is similar to a study on sociology. How a group of people will develop their own society and culture when no rules are at first present. We have done so, I would say, and I would also say that it works very well. I have enjoyed godwars2 immensely, and fully intend to continue as a very active player into the foreseeable future. I hope you give us a try. We always have room for more.

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Review posted by Mud Girl
Posted on Mon Apr 30 15:33:31 2012 / 4 comments
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I only played this mud for one month, but it is a month of my life I wish I had back. It was not very long after starting that I was shocked by this awful mud and its tiny playerbase.

One player in particular named Fraust, was constantly spewing racist, sexist, homophobic nonsense that I found highly offensive. Another player named Freakazoid has ruined the war minigame by entering 10 characters at a time.

The administration is either powerless to stop this kind of behavior, doesn't care, or possibly encourages it. Don't bother with this game.

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Comment posted on Thu Mar 10 15:26:59 2011 by Fraust:

'Please supply as much factual information as possible to support the position of your comments, in response to the specified review.'

Of course =)

1.'its tiny playerbase.'

Typing 'who' in game will bring up the current list of connected players and player statistics. At this time it displays this:

'There are currently 17 players connected, with a peak of 46 this up time. Average number of players is 20.55, over 1599 hours, 4 minutes and 7 seconds.'

An average 20 players isn't tiny. I have played several other muds that average about 3 over a month or so. 20 is *not* tiny, unless you play one of the relatively few muds with 60-80 players a day.

'One player in particular named Fraust, was constantly spewing racist, sexist, homophobic nonsense that I found highly offensive.'

This game is not roleplay enforced nor are there any rules. I'm sorry my choice of dialogue isn't suitable to your tastes; If you take the time to read the description of God Wars II it says very clearly that it contains Adult-oriented violence.

If a little foul language upsets you, I'm not sure you would like the messages you get when disemboweling an opponent. In the future you may want to be more cautious in choosing what games to try instead of calling any offensive game 'awful'

'Freakazoid has ruined the war minigame by entering 10 characters at a time.'

He has not ruined the war minigame. If you take the time to play war a few times you would see you have just as much chance to succeed in war with 20 opponents as with 2, especially considering the lords of war have more targets to choose from.

'The administration is either powerless to stop this kind of behavior, doesn't care, or possibly encourages it. Don't bother with this game.'

That is an unfair opinion, considering you played only a month and didn't make any effort to contact the administration about these problems to see if there was any reason this was not addressed.

Comment posted on Tue Jun 14 09:28:33 2011 by MUDMan:

I have to agree with most of your points, Mud Girl, but I am more concerned about the ease with which people can avoid PK in this supposed PK game. It is rather annoying. It is far too easy for people to teleport away from combat, or to abuse safe mode by killing themselves with an alternate character, or to hide within safe task areas. As such, there can often be little to do for a maximum-aged character.

Comment posted on Thu Jan 26 11:56:09 2012 by Xakarii:

As far as I can tell from this post, the problem is thus: 'Fraust is SOOOO obnoxious and I'm so easily baited by trolling that I can't focus on reading help files long enough to seek out the holy grail of commands on God Wars II : 'ignore fraust'. 'I have to agree with most of your points, Mud Girl, but I am more concerned about the ease with which people can avoid PK in this supposed PK game. It is rather annoying. It is far too easy for people to teleport away from combat, or to abuse safe mode by killing themselves with an alternate character, or to hide within safe task areas. As such, there can often be little to do for a maximum-aged character.' -MUDgirlMAN

We've been over this so many times already in so many threads. Teleport is not going to save you from someone that knows how to use a two letter command 're' for right elbow (which clears hand queues by the way), or someone who has a net, or can cut off your hands, or cast dimensional anchor, or kill you before you finish casting, OR an adept hunter that has familiarised him/herself with your teleport habits and can guess approximately what distance you might have tried to flee (provided they note the direction of the pointing wand before you disappear). The last one is how we did it back in 2005 before people considered flight from combat an illegitimate technique. As for abusing safe mode by killing an alternate character: this is not an advantage. At best it's neutral considering safe mode prevents you from participating in pk as well, disallowing any bonus you -could- gain in exchange for respite from player-fights. Not to mention any significant amount of safe mode time would require you to call down the wrath of the paradox spirit on your older character. Hiding in task areas is the same issue. No one is 'Hiding' there. Your location is displayed on the who list in task areas. If you consistently return to an area, people will start to notice the trend and begin to guess where to look for you.

This is basic player hunting stuff but it seems like some players just don't have the patience for tracking, ambushing, chasing that might be involved when a fellow player doesn't feel like getting his face ripped off.

Comment posted on Mon Apr 30 14:47:27 2012 by Anonymous:

Besides the fact that this game has pretty much stopped being developed, the thing that bothers me most about this game is the favoritism. Its just plain sickening. Only the suggestion of a couple players are considered, and the administrators only seem to make changes to benefit their select group of friends so they can win the game.

Review posted by MyNameIsMud
Posted on Thu Feb 24 21:12:07 2011 / 2 comments
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Pros: Complex combat system Coordinate-based movement Fun war minigame

Cons: Slow Development (only one person working on the MUD) Not much to do besides PK (of which there isn't much) Almost nonexistent player base Nepotism (improvements made on the wishes of a select number of players) Class balance issues Rampant botting (especially in war minigame)

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Comment posted on Sat Feb 12 22:34:13 2011 by KaVir:

Thanks for the review, allow me to briefly address your concerns:

Things like 'Slow Development' and 'Almost nonexistent player base' are rather subjective, as they very much depend on your expectations from other games. However there are weekly progress reports on the website (http://www.godwars2.org/progress.php) and MudStats tracks the size of the playerbase relative to other muds (http://mudstats.com/Game/GodWarsII.aspx), so this information is freely available for anyone who wishes to compare the development and playerbase with their own expectations.

While there are various different activities aside from PK, they do all revolve around combat - because that is the focus of the mud. This is made very clear in the listings, and is also explained to new players in the introductory phase. If you're looking for roleplaying, or complex puzzles, or in-depth crafting systems, then honestly you're in the wrong place. God Wars II is unashamedly dedicated to fast, brutal combat.

Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives or friends regardless of merit. In God Wars II, it works the other way around - suggestions are only judged on their own merit. Many of the most popular features were actually proposed by players, and most of the introductory phase was designed around feedback from newbies. However due to the complexity of the main game, it's usually the case that only veteran players understand the inner workings well enough to propose features that impact gameplay in a balanced way. This is not intended to snub other players, and I'm always willing to explain why a particular proposal has been rejected, but I try to be very careful about which features I implement.

Class balance is a tricky subject and always an ongoing project, but other than a few rough edges with the latest class (Titans) they do seem to be very closely matched - when the top players of different classes beat each other with only a few percent of their health remaining, I consider that a fairly good indication that the classes are roughly on-par with each other.

Botting is certainly an issue, but its impact has been greatly reduced over the years due to the introduction of features like boost and daily kills. I'm still working on ways to minimize botting in the War minigame, but it's important to put it in perspective: most design decisions in a mud have both pros and cons, and this is one of the major cons of my decision to have no rules. However the lack of rules also provides some pros - in particular, you don't have to worry about being banned or punished (mistakenly or otherwise) for breaking some arbitrary rule within the mud. Some players perhaps embrace this freedom a little too much, but I believe that dedicating a chunk of my development time to 'laying the smack down' on players for not playing the mud 'my way' would be counterproductive.

Comment posted on Tue Feb 22 10:10:12 2011 by MyNameIsMud:

Thank you for your assurances, but I choose to respectfully disagree. Also, as an administrator, your comments are not objective and should be discarded.

Review posted by Graak
Posted on Sun May 16 22:03:49 2010 / 0 comments
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I have been mudding for nearly two decades now and have multiple alts on many different types of muds. When I show up to a new mud, it's generally a foregone conclusion that I'll know most of the commands and most of the classes. Therefore, I was quite shocked when I logged on to GWII to find that I was a true newbie once more.

Trying to describe this mud is quite difficult since everything on it is totally original. There are no rounds and no rooms. The combat system is completely new, as are the classes which you can rebuild at the drop of a hat. Thus, when I first created and did everything wrong, I was able to simply shift my things around without having to make a new alt. I will admit that it all seemed a bit daunting at first glance, but the help files are good and the players are friendly and always willing to answer questions and offer advice.

The world is made up of two zones: the realm and the nexus. The realm is the safe place where people can hang out and chat and it also contains a small number of areas mainly for unclassed people. The nexus is the dangerous zone where all the cool mobbies, areas, and quests are. Yes, quests on a pkilling mud. Though the realm is safe, the nexus is deadly and you have to constantly watch your back or you'll find your limbs laying at your feet. Also there's no 'best' and 'worst' class. Since you can change things around at whim, the person who you demolished 5 minutes prior might adjust and return the favor. Thus, no one is ever safe.

The Imm running this mud is called Kavir and he is very hands on with the place while remaining utterly laid back. He regularly puts in new features and areas and also has time to chat with players and asks our opinions on where we think the mud should go.

Last, but most certainly not least, this place is made to work with readers for the visually impaired and a good number of the players are. So if you're 'looking' for something out of the ordinary, come check this place out cause it's a lot of fun.

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Review posted by Antibody
Posted on Sun May 16 22:03:11 2010 / 0 comments
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This is the godwars mud currently being run by KaVir, who created the original godwars. It is a true successor to the original, but utilizes an overland map and 2 spacial dimensions in concurrence with an innovated combat model based on weapon and stance based combos. There are usually 10 or so players logged in at a time, though the world is pretty big so you wont see them much unless they are killing you.

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Review posted by Nysitre
Posted on Sun Jun 24 20:48:57 2007 / 0 comments
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I discovered MUDS back in high school and tried out many different ones. I had checked out many MUDS, trying to find a community that I felt a connection to, mostly by sparking my interest in the gameplay.

The MUD I first enjoyed was a mud based on the Robert Jordan series of which I had no prior knowledge of until I joined. It was created from scratch and it had its own special feeling. The environment was social, both OOC and IC. The leveling was simple, yet addicting as well. I stayed with that mud for about four years. I soon became tired of the mud because I felt that it was repetitive and also, I never did read the series that it was based off on.

My friend then introduced me to another mud. I had never heard of God Wars II until then and I am glad that he told me about it. About three of my fellow mudders from the previous mud played it and helped me out a lot through the learning process.

The gaming structure is not simple, it is quite complex. I firmly believe that at first, the mud may seem intimidating, but I found the challenge enticing and I strove to learn how to play correctly. Also, I must state that it may be easier for experienced mudders to play this mud because it is basically an expansion off the regular typical mud.

The battle system consists of different types of weapons and equipment. Each of these items are designed according to the definition. The mobs that we fight in order to age are various and have distinctive attributes that make the mud seem more realistic, although it is set in a fantasy type genre. Each race has its own powers, set for the individual to decide on how to shape their character. Combined with a set amount of general talents, they can make the character very strong and powerful against other players as well as mobs.

The only issue that I had at the beginning was the aesthetics issue. I came from a mud where I enjoyed personalizing equipment and items, with appropriate names and cute coloring. But as I went on playing the game, I realized that customization would deter from the overall reality of the game. That being said, there are ways of personalizing your character by altering its appearance as well as having certain types of equipment change the look and how you are perceived by other players. In this way, I believe that it adds onto the overall feel of the mud and is correctly set in place.

The other thing that I appreciate about this mud is that it is constantly evolving. It is not a finished product where innovation stops and the administrators just moderate and create new areas for players to explore. This mud is constantly changing, additional races, talents, powers, ideas that steadily come into play.

The forum itself is a place where players' thoughts can come together and make suggestions or report bugs or anything that is on their mind in relation to God Wars II.

In conclusion, I believe that if a person wants to discover and enjoy God Wars II, they must open their minds and be patient in learning how to play because there is a lot of new things to learn that can be different from a typical MUD. It is not that it is strange, but that in the end, it all makes sense. For example, you do not just kill a mob, you interact with it. The techniques that you use against the mob determine if you hit it and cause damage to it. Based on your stats, powers, and talents, it will determine your character's capability in fighting opponents well.

One last note, this mud has basically no rules. There is no censorship and so people are freely able to talk about anything and may even use harsh and crude words to fellow players, but the main point of it all is that you are mature enough to not take advantage of this prized attribute of God Wars II. The overall structure of the mud utilizes a lot of knowledge and I, for one, truly appreciate all the hard work put into this mud by the Admin.

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Review posted by xakarii
Posted on Wed Sep 30 20:23:15 2009 / 1 comment
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You coil your legs beneath you, ready to spring. Damocles leaps up into the air. You leap up into the air. Damocles backflips away from you. You backflip away from Damocles. Damocles kicks both feet at your face as he flips backwards. Your shimmering aura absorbs the impact of his kick.

You land, your bare feet slamming down on the paved street. Damocles crashes to the paved street. You leap up into the air. You spin around in midair. Damocles somersaults over the store. Damocles kicks at your back with both feet while in midair. You deftly evade his kick.

You swing your body into the stance called 'Crane Spreads Wings'. You land back on your feet and drop into a defensive crouch.

You leap up into the air. You somersault over the store. Damocles somersaults over your head.

You target Damocles. You land, your bare feet slamming down on the paved street. Damocles kicks at your back with both feet while in midair. You lean to the right of his kick.

Damocles crashes to the paved street. ...later... You coil your legs beneath you, ready to spring. Damocles coils his legs beneath him, ready to spring.

You leap up into the air. Damocles leaps up into the air. You somersault over Damocles's head. Damocles somersaults over your head.

Rylnor chats, 'KaVir's mud. No one touches it.' You land, your bare feet slamming down on the paved street. Damocles lands, his bare feet slamming down on the paved street.

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Comment posted on Thu Sep 24 00:30:08 2009 by Violette:

This review makes me laugh so hard.

Review posted by kromaticorb
Posted on Thu Jan 11 21:33:01 2007 / 0 comments
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God Wars 2 is a game under almost nonstop development. It is updated frequently and is going to be undergoing dramatic updates and changes soon. The admins take ideas and concepts from the playerbase and modifies them and encourages discussion, dissection, and eventually talks about balance issues before it starts being put 'under construction'.

The current players are a good source of information especially when trying to learn how to play the game. but once the ball gets going, it really gets going. A unique mud that is very much into the players is what this game has to offer.

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Review posted by Tony Z
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:20:05 2006 / 0 comments
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God Wars II is the MUD that has completely replaced my other online gaming activities. Other reviews have covered the 'what it is' very well, so let me fill in some of the 'non-mechanical' aspects. First, God Wars II is not a roleplaying MUD. It is centered on combat, most of it (currently) Player versus Mob, but also including Player versus Player. The motivation of most players is twofold - develop more powerful characters, and explore the continually added new features of the game. There is no IC interaction, but there is plenty of discussion of 'builds' - combinations of character features, usually oriented toward making your character better in certain situations. The jewel in the crown, the heart and soul of GW2, is its combat system, which is absolutely peerless. It models, in real-time detail, everything from spectacular martial arts techniques to armed combat with a large variety of weapons, to magic, and all sorts of dark-fantasy oddities (invisible creatures, demonic characters fighting with horns/tails/wing spikes, predators knocking you over by physically slamming into you, body parts getting severed, poisons, fire, etc etc). (My current character, for example, habitually cuts hands off his opponents with a swipe of a bladed tail, then catches the severed hands as they spin through the air, and keeps them as trophies.) Now, one of the important aspects of the GW2 culture is that the game is in a long-term 'open beta'. The creator of the game, KaVir, is online regularly, sometimes daily, and available to answer questions, even newbie ones, within reason. Since the MUD is constantly 'under construction', there is a lot of chat volume dedicated to the discussion of features just added, or about to be added. KaVir encourages plenty of feedback on his work. The game's development history goes back a good number of years, and shows no signs of slowing down. A few words on PvP - this takes two forms on GW2, open player killing (PK) and 'duelling'. After the initial training of a character, most of the action takes places in a game world called the Nexus, which is fully PK-enabled. There is no shame, and very little disadvantage, in being killed by another character. Given the size of the world, it is not often that one comes across other players in the Nexus, unless of course they are actively hunting for PK, and have taken an educated guess as to the location of suitable (weaker) targets! The usual result of a successful PK is the two players involved chatting about what just happened. Most players do not object to being killed - their characters come back just as strong as before, within less than a minute. Most players encountering a weaker opponent will attack without hesitation, and this is not considered unfair or even impolite. 'Duelling' is a slightly more 'formal' PvP activity. Two players agree, usually via the chat channel, to meet for a duel, sometimes as a form of competition, at other times to 'test' a new build. The combat takes place in a 'duelling arena' - other players or random creatures cannot interfere. Kills in a duel are not counted toward the players' 'PK' statistics (which are only cosmetic/bragging rights in any case).

Now for 'builds', the strategy aspect of GW2. A build is a combination of class (one of four currently, with a fifth on the way), combinations of class powers developed to various 'ranks', talents (which you either have or have not, they do not grow in ranks), basic stats (Brawn, Power, Mettle etc, akin to D&D abilities), trained stats (skill with specific weapons and fighting styles/stances), equipment (magical or otherwise) and subclasses (at high power levels). This allows a huge variety of characters to be created. Also, all but a few aspects of this can be changed within minutes, so a player can 'rebuild' with a minimum of fuss to fix ineffective strategies. All of this adds up to an amazing game, where you explore the vast strategic variety of possible character builds, fight all sorts of mobs to grow in power, and chat about it all to the creator of the game, its admins and other players just like yourself. If you like complex mechanics and the challenge of individual combat against mobs AND players, all kept fresh by continual and frequent innovation, this game rocks like nothing you have seen.

Drop by, and say hello to me if you see me there - I am Negator there.

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Review posted by Rin
Posted on Wed Sep 13 18:59:49 2006 / 0 comments
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After seeing that there hasn't been an updated review written for nearly a year, I thought that I'd spend a little bit of time and draft something up. God Wars II is a mud that definitely deserves all the attention it can get, even though it has a fairly stable and loyal playerbase.

First things first, God Wars II is primarily a player-killing mud. After your Avatar chooses a class (which in and of itself is a challenge that will take new players many, many hours to complete), you will have the option to go to a separate plane of existence known as the Nexus. This is where you will spend most of your time, performing map-quests and killing various mobs in search of 'Primal Energy' (the equivalent of experience points).

But the Nexus is not a place for the faint of heart. There are no player-killing restrictions whatsoever, and at peak times this can make navigating through the Nexus a herculean exercise in caution, stealth, skill and luck. In other words, it's one heck of an adrenaline rush - and it's really, really fun.

KaVir, the creator of the game, has recently implemented a new rule wherein more powerful players lose unspent Primal whenever they slay someone weaker than themselves, though (in the long run) dying at the hands of another player in the Nexus is little more than an inconvenience (and a learning experience for newbies, as it will happen quite a bit with your first character). The penalty? The recently slain will reappear on their respective home-plane, where they will have the chance to fully mend their wounds and repair their damaged equipment before setting back out into the 'multiverse'.

In order to clarify the term 'multiverse', it needs to be pointed out that God Wars II is composed of several different planes of existence. There is the Realm, which is a plane reserved primarily for teaching newbies how to play the game and adapt to the world. This is where Avatars (i.e. freshly-created characters) start, and they are confined to this plane until they fulfill the necessary conditions required to choose a class. Still, to complete all the various tasks in the Realm takes quite a bit of time, and there is an abundance of adventuring to be done there.

The Nexus is the primary plane of existence. Albeit admittedly still in its initial stages, it is already massive and I cannot think of an efficient way to traverse this plane by foot. It's not entirely populated at the moment, but there is still plenty to do and it has a decent selection of monsters to slay and treaures to seek. Grab a drake, summon a giant owl, turn into a cloud of bats, learn a reliable teleport spell or (at the very least) acquire a horse and venture out into this place. But don't forget to watch your six, lest you be dropped with a swiftness.

There also exist other planes of existence - the Spirit Plane, the Shadow Plane, even Hell - although most of these can be accessed only by members of the appropriate class. Again, although still in their initial design stages, these planes all offer various ways to upgrade your characters.

Combat is where God Wars II really shines. I've never played a mud that places more freedom in the hands of the player. You can independently control four separate locations: left arm, right arm, head, feet (and sometimes other body parts, such as tails). That is to say, with the right amount of practice, you can execute an acrobatic flip over your opponent at the same time as you stomp him with your feet, launch a throwing knife at him with your right arm, perform the appropriate arcane gestures to freeze him with your left hand, and then bite a chunk out of his cheek on your way back down to the ground. You can circle enemies, duck down and grab dirt, lop off body parts (hands, legs, heads, etc...), sweep your opponents, and this is still only the beginning. If you can think of it in real life, there's a good chance you'll be able to do it in God Wars II.

The four classes - Mage, Werewolf, Vampire, Demon - all seem to be (surprisingly, I might add) remarkably well-balanced. Four more classes (Druid, Werecat, Lich, Dragon) are currently on their way. During the last nine months I have played three of the four classes, and have died numerous times at the hands of those both older and younger than myself ('divine age' is the equivalent of 'experience levels' in God Wars II ... after earning enough Primal, you can choose to spend it on either aging your character or gaining various class-related powers). Despite these deaths, never once did I feel that they were because of a game-mechanics flaw. Player skill (i.e. the person sitting behind the monitor) is important in this mud, and a player who has no idea what he or she is doing (despite having a god-like character with amazing stats) will quickly be torn to pieces in the Nexus. And, in my opinion, that's awesome. Still, the majority of god-like characters tend to be piloted by players who know exactly what they're doing.

God Wars II has a steep-learning curve due to its complexity. Even to experienced mudders it will take quite a bit of getting used to. To combat this confusion, the helpfiles are more than sufficient, and usually possess an answer to almost any query that you may have. At times, though rarely, they are lacking in specific details ... but this can be remedied by a quick question over the global channel. The players, many of them utterly merciless in the Nexus, still make every effort possible to answer questions and help newbies learn how to play.

Nonetheless, this is a mud that requires patience. And if you've had the patience to read this entire review up until this point, then maybe God Wars II is worth a visit. I don't think you'll be disappointed. It offers incredible combat and extremely advanced character customization. This is one mud that I've stuck with for a while, and have no plans of going anywhere in the future. The playerbase is interesting and will keep you on your toes, the administration is always willing to answer questions and is *constantly* updating the mud, and the game- mechanics are nothing short of spectacular. All in all, God Wars II is one of the few unique muds out there that deserves both recognition and praise. It's not to be missed.

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Review posted by Eiroku
Posted on Mon Nov 14 21:29:35 2005 / 0 comments
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I first started playing Godwars 2 when it was GladiatorPits III which was the testing ground for the aforementioned mud. The learning curve is a little steep, but nothing a quick glance at a helpfile cant fix.

The combat system is unlike anything I have ever seen in a mud, it is without a doubt the most robust ive ever seen, It's like playing a fighting game on xbox, but with 26 buttons instead of 4 with a different set of techniques, attacks, and combos for each weapon, style and class.

Now on to the Talents; Talents are the 'Skills' of Godwars, you gain a talent slot by reaching a certain pinnacle such as mastering 6/8/10 weapon styles. There are over 100 talents each ridiculously well thought out. Each having certain requiring its own stats/style/weapon requirement.

Classes. Now classes are split up into different categories. Revanants being the undead brought back to life, ie. Vampires. Lycanthropes or werebeasts, ie. Werewolves. Illuminati or the magically gifted, ie. Mage. And finally there is the Nephilim or the beings that never had a human form to start with, ie. Demons. All the classes are fairly balanced, but as always are being worked on constantly to maintain balance. The world is huge and easy to navigate, the equipment system is based on random drops from powerful mobiles.

It's hard to say anything bad about this mud. It's always evolving, there is always something to master, be it your strategy or your character itself. Players are very friendly and very helpful, and for the most part literate and comptetent. All players from the start have their own realm where they can go to heal, or repair their armour in peace, each with their own storage 'warehouses'. Well I tried to put a conclusion on this but there just isn't an end to what I can complement its just an excellent game and you should try it.

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Review posted by Nutai
Posted on Thu Jun 2 21:24:18 2005 / 0 comments
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I've only played this game a couple of times, but it doesn't take long to understand that it provides a far more advanced combat system than the standard MUD fare. More than anything, it plays out like a text equivalent of a console street fighting game. You have a certain number of actions available for each hand, your head, and your feet. Depending upon your character's fighting style, particular combinations of these actions perform more advanced attacks and maneuvers.

It's a lot to take in at first, but after spending a little bit of time with it, you can do some pretty wild things. I've only experienced a small portion of it, but the sheer number of different options in combat are staggering.

From what I've seen, the Staff and other players seem quite friendly and patient to a new player. It makes absolutely no sense to me why there are so few players in this game while hordes of people get involved in the same old back and forth, near optionless combat found nearly everywhere else. It has to be because they just don't know that something like this is out there. (I didn't before being pointed to it, myself.) If you are looking to play with an engaging fighting system, this has to be what you want.

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Review posted by Rachid B (Aitas)
Posted on Thu Apr 28 20:23:07 2005 / 0 comments
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Let me start out by saying that whatever you choose to do after reading this review, not trying Gladiator Pits for a fight or two would be a pity, I can say without exaggerating that this mud is definitely one of a kind.

I started playing Gladiator Pits last year, just trying it after reading the review by Alayla (on TMS). I liked it at first, because of how easy it was for a new player to just roll in, no in-game skills to practice or numberchase for just to be able to compete with the regulars, a steep but still very managable learning curve and a graceful and unique combat system. But I quit after some time, even though there were a few people logging on every night there was just not enough to do to keep the player occupied.

Skip to just last week, I decided to check on Gladiator Pits again, after about 8 months and I'm hooked again. The combat system is still graceful, unique and a lot less boring then the automated systems on your standard Diku/Smaug/Whathaveyou. The amount of weapons has increased quite a bit (which actually means something here, every weapon has different attacks and techniques to use) and you can even use different types of magic now. You can now customize your character with different skills and talents (think feats in table-top D&D or perks in Fallout). But best of all, there is now a wilderness with different randomly-generated dungeons, keeping you occupied even when there's no one else online. Sadly though, while those that do visit seem to be nice people, there are still not a whole lot of people logging in at the same time.

So if you want something different. A nice, if a bit small, community. A unique[1] combat, movement and magic system. Easy to learn but hard to master gameplay. A chance to choose your own fighting style, there isn't one 'power-build' you need to use to compete.

Then log on to: godwars2.com port:3000 (The information in the database is outdated, please use this host and port)

[1] Not just a buzzword, I promise, try it and you'll see.

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Review posted by Shin
Posted on Sat Apr 24 20:48:20 2004 / 0 comments
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Gladiator Pits III is a pure PK mud, designed to test player skill in terms of both pre-battle preparation and on-the-spot reflexes, as well as the ability to adapt quickly to new situations. There is no character advancement - every character is on equal footing - and so it is purely a test of player ingenuity.

The basic concept is fairly straightforward, although the mud may take some getting used to for those not already familiar with Gladiator Pits II. Context-sensitive hints and informative helpfiles are available, and most players should find themselves ready for their first fight within a few minutes of connecting.

Knowing how to fight however, is a long way from mastering combat. With 25 fighting styles and well over 500 fighting techniques, there is no lack of things to learn. Dozens of different weapons and pieces of armour are available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Eight different stats indicate the strengths and weaknesses of each gladiator, but it's up to the player to decide the allocation of those stats.

The mud also uses a coordinate-based system, which allows players a great deal of flexibility in terms of movement. The same system also handles weapon lengths and missile ranges in combat.

The combat system itself is non-automated, and is geared more towards the fantastic than the realistic, drawing inspiration from anime along with movies like 'The Matrix' and 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. Each gladiator has three fighting locations which need to be combined in order to fight effectively - 'left hand', 'right hand', and 'feet' (which also represents overall body posture). Each location has its own set of commands and techniques, depending on the weapon and fighting style used.

With such a trully awing and thought-provoking combat system, pk is fast paced against the training mobs and even more so against fellow players! Come join the battles! Will you be the victor or the fallen?

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