Dragonball New Universe


Dragon Ball New Universe is a DragonBall MUD undergoing a new wave of changes to become a more unique and engaging experience for players while staying true to the spirit of the source material.

As of right now we're giving players a fresh start with a new combat system, new stat mechanics, and retooled powerups as well as continuing rebalances to equipment and other areas of game play. Unlike other DragonBall muds we have an extensive sub race selection based on your favorite DragonBall characters move sets.

We offer a newbie-friendly environment as well as content for veteran and high level players. Roleplaying is encouraged, moderated, and rewarded, but never enforced. Players may advance in many ways including Roleplaying, Player Killing, Questing, or Exploring and PVE Combat.

We offer a Clan system, a unique Reincarnation system, a tiered player Ranking system, Automatic Questing and Dragon Ball hunting, Mini-Game Diversions like Chess and Sudoku, as well as a wide range of areas and races. The MUD is always being worked on by our friendly Immortal staff.

New players are encouraged to ask for help and advice from the old players and Immortals alike. Our staff are very hands-on when it comes to interacting with players and we welcome ideas, suggestions, and feedback to enhance the game play experience.

We maintain an active discord server at https://discord.gg/RJn94N7 where you can discuss anything you would like off the mud.

While the game world mostly consists of elements from the original DragonBall, Z, GT and Super. New additions are carefully crafted to blend smoothly into the overall DragonBall aesthetic and themes.

Though adult language and themes are allowed in public chat, there are topics that are off-limits and will result in an Immortal stepping in. While we don't maintain "child-friendly" limitations, we do want players to feel comfortable and safe here.

Currently hiring: Builders, Enforcers, and RP Imms. Restrictions apply, please inquire within.

Mud Theme: Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Dragonball Super

Client Recommendation: http://www.gammon.com.au/mushclient/

Dragonball New Universe Mud Reviews

10 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Domo, Isamu
Posted on Fri Jan 23 16:11:31 2015 / 0 comments
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While I enjoyed playing this MUD a fair bit, the MUD cares little about the players. One Imm went as far as telling me they didn't care about the players, or me, at all. That the players were inconsequential. When I responded that a MUD is very little without players, I was told again the players didn't matter, and the Imms would just have fun by themselves. I say let them have fun by themselves, then. I've never had a member of the staff tell me I didn't matter to them before.. That none of the players mattered. The whole role of the Immortals is to build and run the MUD *for* the players.

I refuse to play and devote my time to a MUD where the players don't matter.. Where I don't matter.

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Review posted by leon
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:22:14 2008 / 0 comments
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Okay ladies and gents, I'm sending a review about this mud, so hang on to your hats.

This particular mud is quite an adequate place to play for the dbz genre lovers, they have the most advanced set of races i know and have ranks for each, The skills for them are all quite good as well.

The areas are all advanced and built with little error, the builder's are all very good at what they do. The immortals of this mud are also not stuck up or jerks, so you don't have much to worry about there.

One thing i really like about this place, other than the attitude of the pbase, is the questing system. They have it to where, like on many popular god wars muds, you can quest for quest points and return those in for items.

One thing i disliked about it, when i aimlessly killed a mob over and over, due to not having skills and needing training points to train my intelligence, i was considered a high level threat and called a botter...though i appreciate that the imms aren't lazy...i didn't appreciate being considered a threat by one of the immortals.

But other than that, this mud is pretty great so far. I'll be sure to write another review soon as i get more aquainted, thus i'm finishing here.

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Review posted by Jaer
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:20:15 2008 / 0 comments
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Dragonball Z: A New Age 2. Simply put, its a great mud! From a player's point of view there is a lot of great things to enjoy. Namely, there is an enhanced gaining system that improves with equipment, amount of players online, and player donations with in-game money.

The areas do contain some stock elements to them, but most of the areas have been reworked. As someone who has played the original DBSaga, I can appreciate this due to previous flaws, but also because it gives a new fun twist to old areas.

The equipment is pretty developed as well. New, and altered, equipment pop up in most areas to provide a little more diversity for each of the many races.

Speaking of races, DBNA2 has opened the door to, I think, most races in the dbz universe, with more coming!!

The website just went through a decent face lift and has good content and a link to familiarize people who are foreign to dbz. Making it easier to understand every element of the game!

Overall, I would have to rate this mud 9/10. A very good choice for any novice, or serious fan, of dbz. Any fan of muds for that matter.

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Review posted by Silah
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:19:40 2008 / 0 comments
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DB:NA2 is an enormous, friendly universe populated by wonderfully friendly players and encouraging staff. Not a single detail has been overlooked from the series, but there are also unique areas and aspects that have been created, so the MUD will appeal to hardcore fans of Toriyama's anime and players who love an expanded world to play in.

The combat and skills systems are carefully crafted and with new areas and code being added daily, as well as a healthy flow of new players, the MUD will only get better. A real 11/10.

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Review posted by Malifus
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:19:04 2008 / 0 comments
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So at first, I thought this mud was only gonna be OK, like countless others I had played. I was horribly, horribly mistaken. The mud is huge, the players are AMAZINGLY nice, roleplay is top quality, the skills are pretty awesome looking. I promise you, whether you are or aren't a Dragonball Z fan, you should still join this MUD. It'll make a fan out of you.

Also, it's a lot of fun for non-DBZ fans anyway. You don't really need to know DBZ in order to play it. The Imms are always hosting fun events, like Russian Roulette, Bomberman, Trivia Games, and more!

The game's pretty addictive too! Some of its members who play the most have logged in excess of 200 hours, and the game only started three months ago! I'd highly advise any mud fan to join this game! Don't forget to tell them that Malifus sent you!! :P

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Review posted by Anonymous
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:02:22 2008 / 0 comments
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Friendly environment, good not so cloned mud. Alot of races to choose from, nice skill sets. Active coder and builders with areas being added regularly. You should stop in and form your own opinion on us. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I know I wasn't and I'm not the type that enjoys the, 'max your character in a day', clones that seem to swamp this genre.

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Review posted by Ukitake
Posted on Wed Apr 9 21:57:47 2008 / 0 comments
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What I have noticed about this MUD is it actually becomes home for you. All will be able to enjoy the experience this MUD has for everyone. It can be challenging or downright frustrating at times, but when you get through that you feel almost unstoppable. It truly is the best DBZ MUD i have ever played because of the people and the world itself. The eq works great and the player interface is easy to use. Newbies and Veterans enjoy this.

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Review posted by Rox
Posted on Sun Jan 20 20:02:40 2008 / 0 comments
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As shown, I am Rox from DB: Redemption. It's been a while since I have played a DB or DBZ MUD and has also been a long time since I've sent in any form of review.

This MUD, though still has a few quirks in it, is on it's way to being one well organized multiplayer game. Even when I joined (a nub covered in nubsauce ^_^) players were immediately kind and responded to the questions I asked (at least ones they knew). One even gave me a tour. Most would probably say something like 'Oh, there are probably no players' or something, but that is where you're incorrect. Though it is a newly opened MUD, there have been more than 10 players. Though it seems like a little ammount, please tell me or show me a MUD that had more then 5 (not counting immies) a month after it opened.

Not only are the players nice, but the skills and abilities are well organized too. You'll see the usual ammount of skills with a few additions of it's own, making the skill and ability list unique.

Combined with the player interaction and the training system (skill and abilities) this MUD goes on my 'Thumbs up' list.

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Review posted by Gantrithor
Posted on Sun Jan 13 20:08:42 2008 / 0 comments
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This MUD is one of the better Dragon Ball Z-oriented muds that I have come across. Although it is still in the developing stages, many improvements have already been made and the staff is very active with the players. I have to say that this is my personal favorite DBZ mud for several reasons. The founder is good at running the MUD, the administrators are doing an excellent job at keeping things moving smoothly, and everything seems to be going quite well so far.

I would recommend this MUD to anyone interested in DBZ muds, whether they be new to the MUD world or returning MUDders

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Review posted by Pillage
Posted on Sun Jan 13 20:07:46 2008 / 0 comments
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Greetings and Salutations my fellow DBZ Fanatics I've been playing Dragonball Redemption for a while now and I must say that it fantastically wonderful. WhY? for various reasons. Though still fresh and in the testing stage, I am already impressed by the talented staff and friendly environment.

This mud supports pretty much every race a DBZ fan could want as well as some more. Though everything is still growing and a work in progress I must say that I see tons of potential here. I've played tons of Dragonball muds and have been left unimpressed with lack of creativity. I remember playing Dragonball Saga when it was still in testing. I would recommend anyone seeking a fun environment with limitless potential to come check it out. The more people we get the better the pool of ideas and growth. So I hope to see you there.

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