Accursed Lands


Accursed Lands is a free Multi User Domain, a game that lets you take on a character and interact with people all over the world in a medieval, fantasy setting.

Explore the vast world of Terrinor and its six million plus fully-detailed locations. Fortune is waiting for those who dare to venture into its far reaches. Perhaps your journey will take you flying through the clouds, or exploring the depths of the oceans in our underwater cities. Or maybe you'd prefer to keep your feet firmly on dry ground, even searching the dark depths of the colossal underdark caverns for wealth and glory. Only the bold or cunning survive on Terrinor's scarred surface, but perhaps you might just make your fortune... and then set down your roots and build a home, a town, or even an empire?

Accursed Lands is set to mark the next generation in online text environments with some of the most sophisticated features ever seen in a multi-user domain. To find out more about this amazing place, have a look at our features section, and once you've seen enough, come in and enter our world.

Mud Theme: A twist of classic medieval, in a post-cataclysmic, almost gothic time.

Accursed Lands Mud Reviews

13 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by I'd rather not say
Posted on Sun Sep 23 20:15:50 2018 / 0 comments
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I cannot honestly recommend this game. The creators of this game have a callous disregard for what makes a game fun to play and why that should matter in this mud, and often genuine complaints get ignored or flat out quashed. The only reason I'm still playing is because I've played it so long that I'm ahead of the learning curve. I like the theme of this game, and I like the people, but the creators need to get over their sadism. It's little wonder this game went from having 40+ people online at pretty much all times of the day to maybe 8 since I started. The creators can't separate theme from function and don't understand how keeping this game as wildly punishing as it is just isn't fun for anyone but the people at the top.

I've heard the complaint over and over that people don't want to pass out just because somebody is casting magic somewhere, but the creators command us to "find them". There are literally millions of rooms in this game, and there are no hints whatsoever to where the mages are or even what direction they are from you. That's just not good enough. And as I'll go over in the next point, disclosing this information about why people are randomly becoming exhausted would literally have me punished (and thus why I'm not identifying myself at all).

It's impossible to keep new players if we aren't allowed to give them even the most basic of directions to places or resources in OOC channels; just earlier today a new player asked how to get bones, another responded with almost exactly "there are certain enemies who drop bones and certain places to find them" and was scolded for it. The creators tell them to "ask in IC", but again, millions of rooms. Granted, people are somewhat easier to find if they want to be, but otherwise asking in character presupposes they have the answer and will give it to you (e.g. asking where magic is located will most likely get your character killed, as magic basically caused an apocalypse in the story of the game and people are reasonably mistrusting of mages). You don't need to look further than the most recent addition to this game, cooking, which only is given the assistance of "you should start by making flour" through the game itself; I'm pretty sure most players have only figured out a few recipes beyond bread at this point and it's been out for half a year.

There are no rules preventing players from just deciding they're psychopathic murderers and killing everyone they see. This comes with two options to the person who is killed: wait 30 minutes and start a new character, or a literal 75 minute wait to hope you keep your character, as your killer might remove your "fetish" [magic piece of jewelry], barring you from being resurrected automatically after 75 minutes. At that point, you better hope somebody finds your body, drags you to a church, and resurrects you; and you're not allowed to tell anyone where you died or you'll both be in trouble. Then you're met with the fact that after being put on time out for 75 minutes, your character lost skills and stats (and might have even gotten their corpse robbed), because I guess death just wasn't punishing enough yet.

All said and done, this won't be fun for you until some serious changes in thought happen with the creators, and I don't think after how long (over a decade) I've been hearing people complain and eventually stop coming back, that it's going to happen. They just don't seem interested.

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Review posted by Violette
Posted on Thu Dec 24 11:16:02 2015 / 0 comments
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Yes, I know - This RPI MUD is very quiet these days, with no word from Staff. This terrific gem of a MUD. It holds a special place in my heart. Some place of primeval, dark wilderness and danger. It's a place of not knowing where the heck I'm going, until I come upon a lean-to or an Inn in the Wilderness. The Inn has nice rooms, with fireplaces, but even then I have to light the fireplace myself. It is a tedious task involving a striking blade, a stone, and moss or leaves. But since my character is badly injured from a run in with a wolf, she will just be happy to rest in safety. Until the day when she can once again walk on the edge of a forest bordering the highway, hoping that out of the 4 other 'unknown' players, none are thieves and cutthroats.

This MUD is special. It satisfies my craving for wanderlust. And for mystery. I'm glad that Accursed Lands is still running.

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Review posted by Adrian Kilcher
Posted on Fri Jul 3 21:35:17 2009 / 0 comments
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I just recently started playing this mud, but I have had an account for many years. It's an awesome mud, beautifully detailed maps, a huge world, tons of things to explore and lots of fun. However, you are allowed only one char.

There are a complex set of safeguards in effect that help to enforce this rule. My partner irl, for example, decided he wanted to play. But since we're on a home network he had to wait almost a week for a coder to log in and allow him to play. It seems though, that some players have found a way around this, and that the creator(s) are actually allowing, if not aiding these players...say for example one person who can control 6 chars and run afoul completely ruining the game for other players.

In this mud, when you die really, really stinks. There are heavy penalties and perm death is a very real threat. The other day, a great friend of mine died to an NPC, and his char was permed by one of the above mentioned cheating players. A few of us tried everything we could to revive him, and would have been successful. Then one of the creators decided it was suddenly time for a reboot. Completely desting his corpse and bugging his account. This is apparently not the first time something like this has happened. Such blatant and obvious cheating, by both the players and the coders would normally not be allowed, but in this MUD they don't seem to care. I was unaware of the coder involvement at that time ...silly me..and I begged them to help because he couldn't even log in anymore. I was completely and utterly ignored for the longest time, then I blew up a public channel about it, and finally got a response. Oh well, he's gone, move on, in a nutshell. Great game...but I can't believe they allow such obvious cheating and abuse to go on.

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Review posted by Satansfish
Posted on Sat Nov 17 20:30:11 2007 / 0 comments
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Ah, Accursed Lands... There's so much to say about it, really. It has the most advanced, diversified skill system I've ever seen in 15 years of mudding, a truly enormous world, an unequalled combat system that allows you to tweak and change your style into hundreds of different combinations.

Any skill in the game is learnable by anyone if you put the effort into it, from weaving a grass basket to building your own home. It's RPI(Roleplaying Intensive) and has a very dark, dangerous feel to it. When you meet a stranger on the road or in the woods your adrenaline starts pumping, because you dont know if they're friend or foe.

There's an incredible, secretive magic system(Magic has been banned ICly due to a cataclysmic event in the past), and I've witnessed full-blown witch hunts.

Thousands of rooms to explore, hundreds of secrets scattered about the world. It's possible to step into the forest and pretty much disappear, just because the world is so large.

Recently the mud suffered through a patch of lag, but the servers have been upgraded and it's running faster than ever. Unfortunately, with the lag the playerbase declined somewhat, but this is good for a new player. Get in now and become truly established or powerful before everyone else returns. Become a legend in the history of the mud, now is your chance!

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Review posted by Violette
Posted on Mon Sep 24 21:25:53 2007 / 0 comments
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Accursed Lands deserves a standing ovation.

It's easy to start playing and I like how the interface is simple and straightforward without being lackluster, and that the commands are intuitive and easy to remember. Especially the emoting command - in other muds I get overwhelmed at how many different things I have to remember to emote correctly. Here it's very simple, but it doesn't take away from the depth of the game.

I also love how original everything is.

Another thing I love is the unexpected, which is central to Accursed Lands. I once swam in a river and looked down into its depths, for example. At the bottom I saw a stone I had thrown in the river earlier, a hat someone had thrown in the river before, and a signpost. With some practice, I was able to swim down, holding my breath, retrieve the hat and read the sign.

Accursed Lands has many things like this which creates different dimensions to the world.

The world is vast, the creators are constantly working on it and communicating with the players, the playerbase is loyal and mature, and the play is RICH and REWARDING.

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Review posted by Wendy
Posted on Thu May 24 21:51:26 2007 / 0 comments
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What separates Accursed Lands (AL) from other RPI MUDs? 'Before heading there, let me state before you start reading, that this -is- an RPI and as such it might not be for you. But if you like depth in character, roleplay and a setting that allows you to use your imagination, read on!'

Full code support to almost every action, if you enjoy RP but are frustrated at continually having to compensate for weak code, then this is the place for you. AL has been built using the incredibly versatile LPC code-base, new additions and possibilities are simply endless. It allows for unmatchable realism; each room has a size, and each object has a position within that room, in order to get that sword on the other side of the mountain you’re going to have to walk.

The quality of writing that is displayed throughout the MUD is simply unparalleled. Every nook and cranny has been evocatively described, even ‘mundane’ areas become unique and fascinating. A unique feature of the code-base allows players to look at virtual objects, instead of having room descriptions that are over a page long AL has concise descriptions and an array of virtual objects that can be examined by the interested.

Another point of difference I notice in the writing standards is the high degree of objectivity. Rooms are not simply described as ‘messy’ or ‘cluttered’, which imposes a feeling onto the player and forces them to react in a certain way. The ‘mess’ is described in intricate detail, in a completely objective manner and the player is allowed to respond, as their character feels appropriate.

One of AL’s best features, the wilderness, leaves other MUDs in the dust. Firstly, each area in the wilderness, be it a forest or grasslands, has a set of ‘gettable’ items; this means that you can pull sticks from the forest, pick grass from the hills or grab a quick stone to fend off a snarling beast. The sheer SIZE of the wilderness offers countless adventures, there are deep oceans and vast skies, could you be the one to finally settle the debate about whether the world is round or not? Another great feature the wilderness offers is the ability to ‘see’ your terrain. When you’re on the open plains, or in a vast desert you can see for miles, but as you cross into the forest your map suddenly shrinks, giving rise to a stifling feeling of claustrophobia, which simply doesn’t exist in other MUDs, the feeling of being completely lost in an unfriendly forest is both horrible and great at the same time.

AL’s cities and towns are populated by intelligent NPCs also, unlike the statues that you can see in other MUDs and their NPCs, AL's NPCs can hold a meaningful conversation, perhaps revealing necessary clues in your quest for power. Each one has their own opinions, and each one is treated with the same respect you would treat a player.

There is a vast hoard of secluded locations to be found in the wilderness (and a good few in towns as well ; )), but not every area is put on the map to serve a purpose. Some are put there ‘just because’ the creators felt they could create a more interesting and enigmatic world by putting a small stream on a mountain, or an abandoned town in the desert.

The parser is another of this MUD’s unique strong points. It allows for plain English verbs to be used for every IC command and verb. One can input ‘get nearest stick’ so that their character will grab the closest stick, rather than using complex (or simply non-existant) syntax to accomplish what should be easy.

One final aspect that I enjoy immensely is the OOC community, a long shot from the RP police who demand that you must emote each breath, they are welcome to embrace all players regardless of individual RP skill, so long as you’re willing to stay in character at all times you should find the community very refreshing. There are also two global OOC channels, one for helping newbies with syntax and the other a lounge for newbies and oldbies alike to kick back and discuss anything OOC. These channels foster a sense of community which is unknown in other RPIs, they allow you to catch a glimpse of the person behind the character.

In conclusion, play AL, it may not be your cup of tea, but it is unlike ANY other MUD on the internet, unrivalled in complexity.

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Review posted by Pstone
Posted on Sun Mar 25 19:05:39 2007 / 0 comments
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Do you seek balance?

Are you tired of hack-n-slash till your eyes bleed? Are you quickly bored with roleplaying mushes with no code to support even simple actions? Tired of hoping for that extra 10 zillion exp so you can gain yet another level and get your +5 sword of death? Tired of power posing in a mush and waiting 20 minutes for your next turn to pose? Want to roleplay with code support? Want to be part of a neverending plot?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions then Accursed Lands is for you. We are a heavily code supported fully functioning mud with Roleplaying and Storyline at our core. Want to be a human warrior, blacksmith, or feared mage? Want to play a Halak (bird people) and soar the skies with ranged combat on your side? Want to play a town’s guardsman and keep order? Want to play a murdering thief that climbs the political ladder during daylight but slaughters innocents by the light of our three moons?

If combat is not for you, how about our craft system that offers carpentry, fishing, glass blowing, metal working, leather working, spinning, whittling, weaving, logging, sewing, and many more.

Stop by our website, or better yet jump into the game head first. There are always helpful people waiting to answer questions and yank you into our rich gothic storyline to become a main character.

Voted the Roleplaying mud of the year by RPIMUD we await you.

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Review posted by Kator
Posted on Thu Aug 3 21:45:16 2006 / 0 comments
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Ever since day one, I've been in love with Accursed Lands. I found the creators, as well as the players, helpful in every single way.

The storyline, oh my, what an astonishing read! Along with the assortment of helpfiles, this mud has more to offer when 'In Character.' Heavily based on Roleplaying, AL has several character lines to play. From Human, to goblin, and even Halak (a bird creature). I've nothing bad to say about AL (Accursed Lands) and would recommend it to anyone wishing to dwell in the ancient times of Terrinor!

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Review posted by Semaj
Posted on Thu Aug 10 20:34:41 2006 / 1 comment
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Accursed Lands is quite an experience. In it you will find a very interesting world with a plethora of stories to tell and many players willing to share their own. However, you will also find that while the game revolves around roleplaying, much of the community acts as if roleplaying is a simple hassle that gets into the way of grinding their skills slowly, and by slowly I mean very slowly.

Much of the older more experienced players seem to look for an IC reason to kill someone, no matter what, and it only gets worse as you have some very powerful players who roam the lands killing people at random, all in the name of roleplaying a bandit type of character. Nothing wrong with that, but in game reactions end up leading to clueless beginners being slaughtered. I enjoy rolling a goblin often, as they are a race that interests me and are open to me, since to use any other races besides the three basic ones you have to be rated by other players. However, I find it difficult to play to my liking, as I've seen with my own experience and with many friends that if you choose a race that has some background as being seen as weak thieves, you will usually be instantly distrusted by other players and questioned about where you have gotten some item or what your profession is, and you will find yourself dead within the play session.

Apparently player killing in this game is justified by killing others if you think they may have committed a crime. Which would be acceptable, to me, if the staff didn't impose the idea that they are willing to punish players that do that. The admins are, however, very active, but don't respond to you much(If at all) if you need help dealing with game problems. However, I found that while rerolling characters and trying out different paths, the admins were more than responsive by sending me a message telling me that they will punish me if I reroll anymore, and this was after going through only three test characters which were a Mysrra, a Goblin, and a Human. Accursed Lands has a lot of potential, but it is squandered by irresponsible admins, and an uncontrolled community.

I felt alienated from the first day I played on AL, I stuck with it for a while, however, because the world was fun and interesting, but now it just hurts me to even log in.

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Comment posted on Fri Aug 4 02:23:44 2006 by Smith:

I agree with a lot of what Semaj has said, however it could use some clarification and expansion. The entire structure of Accursed Lands is flawed in its current state, for several reasons:

a) The community is heavily stacked against newbies. Asking pretty much any game-related question on the newbie channel will not be answered, or will net you the answer 'no ic in ooc'. Hope you like figuring out crafting recipes and unintuitive syntax by yourself because you won't get any help in character or out of character.

Furthermore, half of the IC community will make up reasons to provoke you or attack you, and some of them will just flat out attack with no apparent reason. There is also an IC/OOC rating system in place which ensures that no newbies will ever get a high enough rating to use the advanced, much stronger races which require high ratings. Then all you see in game are advanced races being roleplayed horribly.

Moloks are supposed to be vehemently non-combatant except in dire need, but you'll be seeing a lot of them 'sparring' outside of town in the local hotspots. Why? Because they're wickedly strong in combat and who cares because all your friends do it too. Add to this the rabid cliqueyness of the veteran community and stir for maximum effect.

b) The gameplay is also stacked against newbies. Most skills raise like a snail stuck in molasses, and last I heard, it takes 5 real life months to raise a skill to master level. But what's the first thing a newbie player sees about all the other players? Why, they're all decked out in great armor and they kill you in two hits! How's a newbie supposed to compete when everyone around them has extremely high skill levels and dying to a player means that you will not be able to respawn? To top it all off, you'll get yelled at if the admins notice you making new characters a lot, which is inevitable because you keep dying to overpowered veterans. The standard races (mysrra, goblin, and human) are flimsy as paper and have very poor stats compared to the advanced races which only the veteran players have.

How's that for balance? You've got a group of players who have all the knowledge and all the power and will not help anyone but their own little group, going as far to slaughter newbies effortlessly because they looked at them the wrong way, or less. I highly don't recommend this MUD.

Review posted by Virthe
Posted on Fri Mar 10 21:53:13 2006 / 0 comments
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What separates Accursed Lands (AL) from other RPI MUDs? Full code support to almost every action, if you enjoy RP but are frustrated at continually having to compensate for weak code, then this is the place for you. AL has been built using the incredibly versatile LPC code-base, new additions and possibilities are simply endless. It allows for unmatchable realism; each room has a size, and each object has a position within that room, in order to get that sword on the other side of the mountain you’re going to have to walk.

The quality of writing that is displayed throughout the MUD is simply unparalleled. Every nook and cranny has been evocatively described, even ‘mundane’ areas become unique and fascinating. A unique feature of the code-base allows players to look at virtual objects, instead of having room descriptions that are over a page long AL has concise descriptions and an array of virtual objects that can be examined by the interested.

Another point of difference I notice in the writing standards is the high degree of objectivity. Rooms are not simply described as ‘messy’ or ‘cluttered’, which imposes a feeling onto the player and forces them to react in a certain way. The ‘mess’ is described in intricate detail, in a completely objective manner and the player is allowed to respond, as their character feels appropriate.

One of AL’s best features, the wilderness, leaves other MUDs in the dust. Firstly, each area in the wilderness, be it a forest or grasslands, has a set of ‘gettable’ items; this means that you can pull sticks from the forest, pick grass from the hills or grab a quick stone to fend off a snarling beast. The sheer SIZE of the wilderness offers countless adventures, there are deep oceans and vast skies, could you be the one to finally settle the debate about whether the world is round or not? Another great feature the wilderness offers is the ability to ‘see’ your terrain. When you’re on the open plains, or in a vast desert you can see for miles, but as you cross into the forest your map suddenly shrinks, giving rise to a stifling feeling of claustrophobia, which simply doesn’t exist in other MUDs, the feeling of being completely lost in an unfriendly forest is both horrible and great at the same time.

AL’s cities and towns are populated by intelligent NPCs also, unlike the statues that you can see in other MUDs and their NPCs, AL’s NPCs can hold a meaningful conversation, perhaps revealing necessary clues in your quest for power. Each one has their own opinions, and each one is treated with the same respect you would treat a player.

There is a vast hoard of secluded locations to be found in the wilderness (and a good few in towns as well ; )), but not every area is put on the map to serve a purpose. Some are put there ‘just because’ the creators felt they could create a more interesting and enigmatic world by putting a small stream on a mountain, or an abandoned town in the desert.

The parser is another of this MUD’s unique strong points. It allows for plain English verbs to be used for every IC command and verb. One can input ‘get nearest stick’ so that their character will grab the closest stick, rather than using complex (or simply non-existant) syntax to accomplish what should be easy.

One final aspect that I enjoy immensely is the OOC community, a long shot from the RP police who demand that you must emote each breath, they are welcome to embrace all players regardless of individual RP skill, so long as you’re willing to stay in character at all times you should find the community very refreshing. There are also two global OOC channels, one for helping newbies with syntax and the other a lounge for newbies and oldbies alike to kick back and discuss anything OOC. These channels foster a sense of community which is unknown in other RPIs, they allow you to catch a glimpse of the person behind the character.

In conclusion, play AL, it may not be your cup of tea, but it is unlike ANY other MUD on the internet, unrivalled in complexity.

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Review posted by Gabocha
Posted on Sat Jul 2 20:09:10 2005 / 0 comments
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When I first started playing Accursed Lands, I was quite confused. There was no clear purpose to the game, no obvious mobs that needed defeating, and my character got banged up pretty badly by even the seagulls that were wandering around my starting city.

Then I realized what Accursed Lands was all about, the roleplaying. After I'd explored my starting city for a while, a bit confused (since the MUD I came from had a graphic map in a custom client), I managed to find my way into the wilderness. My jaw dropped as I saw the full color ASCII map open up and show that I was standing in the middle of a group of islands surrounded by water for as far as I could see.

After I swam a bit to an adjacent island, looking for something interesting or perhaps another player to interact with, I found both. There were some wood products that had been strewn about in a particular area of forest that also housed a lane leading up to a monastery.

I decided to hang around, looking at the furniture and things, when another player walked up to me and started showing me the ropes of the game (most likely sensing my newbieness). The transition was very smooth, and soon enough he had taken me to the mainland, where I saw my second city, a bustling harbor town with a great bazaar (full of player shops).

I had a pretty smooth entry, but even for those that don't get as lucky as I did, there are mentors available to newbies and a newbie channel to ask basic questions about syntax and other sorts of things.

However, be warned. On AL, we take roleplay very seriously, and to limit the amount of OOC knowledge transfer, however incidental, to characters, there's a strict IC/OOC separation policy. In addition to not using OOC information IC, you're expected to stay silent about IC information when talking on channels or, hopefully, even between friends on AIM and such.

But in any case, AL's got such a rich theme that's so fun to discover for yourself, you'd probably be pretty angry at anyone who ruined the suprises for you anyway.

AL's a great game with a lot of interesting things to do for everyone. Crafters, socializers, explorers, heck, even PKers have a lot to do in AL (a quick note about PK; it's -got- to be roleplayed, random slaying for no reason isn't tolerated). Our skill-based learn-it-by-trying system is one of the most realistic out there, and with a busy team of creators we're only getting better by the day.

Come check us out!

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Review posted by Tempus
Posted on Sun Nov 30 11:06:19 2003 / 1 comment
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A crash, a bolt of searing blue light shatters the rocks. Too late...

The earth rumbled, the ground shaking, dust began to fall from the tunnels ceiling. Then, a feeling like ice being pulled through the heart. A wash of blue and white rolling out across the lands, and the feeling... Something wrong... Something terribly wrong.

For as many years as memory serves, they have warred. The tree men and the arachnids. How it started is unknown, but then, why does any war start. A scholar once said some of the greatest differences in opinion may only be solved by the greatest of conflicts. Perhaps this is the reason, or maybe it was just lust for power and domination, but let us leave these issues, and move the focus.

The focus now falls on a young man, a human boy going by the name of Myrios. A gasp in the dark, then a sound. Light dimly flickered into existence the room as the flames licked up the oil in the lantern. He had the same dream again, he wasn't sure what it meant. It wasn't much of a dream just a feeling, he would have just finished in the great chamber, working on what he believed would finally end this war, he would leave and then.... something would be different. And then he would wake up.

He got off the feather bed, the sheets soaked in a cold sweat. His feet made a slightly damp padding noise as he approached the sheet of polished metal that served as a mirror. He looked in at his reflection. His blue eyes the pupils wide in the murky light. His eyes were reddened around the edges. These were the effects of waking up night after night. He picked up a towel and dried his face. He wouldn't be able to sleep now. He knew it. The feeling in his dream would stay on his mind for some time. He needed to do something else, something besides thinking about sleep. It was best he worked; it would take his mind off the dream.

Myrios had joined the Kiisic some time ago, he didn't really have much choice, the warring arachnids and the Rowen had moved across his village. The place was destroyed. He had refused point blank to serve in the war, preferring to work as a mage crafter on weapons for the Kiisic armies. Over the years he had worked for the Kiisic, and he had become quite good at magic’s, learning all he could in his spare time. He was practicing and learning the Kiisic ways: to surf along the magical tides and to harness the chaos.

Then they had asked him to work on the project. He told himself that it was for the good of all, that it would finally end the great and terrible wars that had been ransacking the lands for so long. He had almost convinced himself.. almost. It was then that the dreams started. At first they had been longer as the horrible crawling feeling that would rise up. His spine was much weaker. Then, he saw rivers--black rivers, moving faces, bodies rising and falling ,and a hissing whispering noise. Although now he didn't see so much of that, the feeling would overtake him before he could sleep. He knew there was a dream behind his eyes, that terrible living river of pain, just watching and waiting.

'Well?' the sharp voice snapped. The master artisan looked down at Myrios.

He swallowed a little nervous and then said 'I just think.. that the project is going a little too fast..' He managed only a few words before he felt his heart sink, the expression on Raldap's face was enough to chill anyone to the bone.

'Oh, you THINK do you? Is that why you are employed here, to think? Well, how surprising. Curse Yuzla, we don't pay you to think. You are paid to work and not complain.' He paused seeming to rethink the point the young mage had made 'However…' he said slowly as if the tasting the word for its sound. 'I understand your concern, these are powerful magic's we are trying to weave, but try to remain steadfast..

The republic need this weapon, and we need you Myrios . You are part of the team. If this is to work we need everyone together on it. There won't be conditions right for the projects complement for a long time. By that time the accursed Rowen will have found a way to guard against us,' he spat the last sentence venom in his voice.

It was rumoured amongst the other maglings that the Rowen had killed his wife and two children in a magical attack gone astray. 'Yes Master Raldap I understand but..' The next events were in somewhat of a flurry, a sound a writhing hissing bang, a shattering of glass the voice of one of the troopers cursing. A feeling magic was being used--any mage could feel it. 'Cursed ROWEN!'

A chill ran down his spine, a Rowen? Here? But how? It was impossible. A cold dread began to fill his heart. If a Rowen was really out there, then had they been overrun. He had heard tales of what the Rowen did to humans they found working for the Kiisic. He began to feel very small.

'What are you cowering for, didn't you hear him, TO ARMS' Raldap yelled, grabbing his stave from the warped wooden desk. He pushed past him and out into the halls. Myrios stepped out holding his small staff in his hand, sweat making it slippery to grasp. His breath was quick, he saw one of them, a Rowen, its long branch-like arms were moving around. He was doing something to the main chamber. Fear bristled the hairs on his neck, his lips opened almost without his conscious consent

'No, DON'T.. You will cause a r-' his voice was cut off as a gale of magical energies roared from Raldap, hissing and crackling through the air. A crash, a bolt of searing blue light shatters the rocks. Too late...

The ground in the chamber began to shake. Dust fell as the ceiling split and crumbled, the Rowen, now a smouldering husk on the ground, had in those last seconds finished what he came to do.

The magic shifted, the mages fell some gibbering nonsensically-- others screaming in pain, something wrong. Something terribly wrong... Myrios stumbled back lifting his hands up to ward off the feeling, something was here, something he screamed out in fear, his cry being cut short a wet choking bubbling noise his lungs filling with a vicious black fluid, he choked and tried to cough it up, black ichior dripping down his chin. His eyes began to cloud over.

The events above are a fictional tale of a real event. The breaking, the release of the black blood, the day magic failed and imbalance reigned on high casting death and destruction from its chariot of confusion.

These are the lands of Terrinor.

It is three hundred years since the time of the breaking. The scars left by the breaking have not yet healed, and the lands have not forgotten.

This is a short story about the lands of Terrinor, also known as 'the accursed lands.'

Accursed lands is not a mud, despite what you may think, Accursed lands is a world, a living-breathing world. A world in which you could be a part of, where your actions affect the world and those around you.

Accursed lands is unique. I say this not because I wish to boast, but simply because it is a matter of fact. There is no mud with the combination of qualities in AL's possession. There are no levels, or guilds. You do not learn skills by killing or completing quests you gain skills by performing skills, indeed killing will gain you skills in the art of killing.

If on the other hand you wish to live a peaceful life you will learn the skills you practice. You could become a bard if you spent a lot of time playing a musical instrument, or you could become a skilled speaker, how, just talk a lot and listen to many different languages. You could become a learned herbalist, but please, do not think these are guilds or clans.

There are HUNDREDS of skills, most people don't specialise particularly and simply live how they choose, gaining the skills as their character behaves, as they would roleplay them.

You could be a warrior, a helpful man who assists those who need him, or a cunning thief, or a well poisoner who probably will be hunted down by the other players who end up losing loved ones due to his callous actions. You could throw caution to the winds and risk damnation by wielding the dark arts, or live a life of solitude away from cities and people.

The choice is yours, there are no preset goals, this is a REAL R.P.G. We do not set the role you play, you do… and the choices are unlimited.


I look forward to seeing you on chat. ; )

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Comment posted on Sun Nov 23 21:26:29 2003 by Vanliew:


AL staff loved your story and your review. Keep up the great RP!


Review posted by Jayess
Posted on Fri Nov 21 20:45:37 2003 / 0 comments
Display Review

Accursed Lands, while still officially in beta, is stable and has been open to players for years. The main goal of AL's creators is realism. The excellent code and intriguing theme complement each other and provide a wonderful vehicle for MUD roleplaying.

The players are mature and recognize that AL is a roleplay MUD. While there are virtually no limits on your character's actions, in order to be a welcome addition to AL's player community, you must roleplay your character faithfully. The creators have provided a flexible emote system, and there are hundreds upon hundreds of pre- loaded emotes as well.

The theme is interesting with races that take and exploration to understand and areas that are full of clues to the mysteries of a forgotten past. AL comes close to being a self-contained world - realism is paramount in the creators' agenda.

AL's players want to attract others who appreciate roleplay. If you'd like to explore a unique world, with code support that allows you to do anything within reason, and stay in character while you do it, AL might be the MUD for you.

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