

UNItopia is the first german native language, multi-genre fantasy mud, located in Stuttgart, Germany.

UNItopia consists of two parts, a virtual implementation of the University of Stuttgart campus, the serious part and the fantasy world Magyra, the fun part. Magyra itself consists of many different continents, featuring different genres: Tolkien's Middle-Earth, antique Celts, Greek mythology... etween these continents players may travel with own, self designed vessels or be transported by said so reliable ferry crafts. Long playing species may ascend to angel or god status, to add to our dimensions, to be Lord of stormy waters and harsh lands... Come and have fun.

Mud Theme: multi-genre fantasy

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# Days Listed7974
Last Connection StatusConnected
# Days With Status1106
Total Telnet Attempts4530.057
Total Website Attempts5850.073
Telnet Attempts This Month40112.935
Website Attempts This Month42713.774