Wilde Adventures MUX


One of the best things about fantasy is that everyone has the power to make it their own. One group that's had few dedicated spaces to go to over the years has been anyone interested in male/male love and relationships, but Wilde Adventures MUX is a game where gay male characters are welcomed. We're also a game about high adventure and epic storytelling.

Our grid features four exciting worlds, including high fantasy, urban fantasy, sci-fi space opera, and superheroes. There are endless stories to be told, and we're always looking to add more possibilities to our game worlds. You're invited to see what we've done so far, as well as make your own mark. The sky is no limit at all!

Players of any gender are welcome, of course! If this kind of storytelling appeals to you, then we welcome you to come and check us out.

Mud Theme: A Gay/BL Storytelling Game

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