

Winterkill is an LPMud which started out in January 1997. Since then the game has changed a lot and is constantly evolving with new features. Currently, players have 27 races and 12 guilds and many subguilds to choose from. The world itself consists of 6 islands totalling more than 300 000 rooms. The islands are divided into areas which have different stories and monsters, etc. In addition, there are entrances to nearly 120 areas from the large map, so there is a lot to explore. Players are granted with additional experience gained during exploring. Also, you can do different kinds of quests to gain levels with lesser experience costs, choose to kill monsters by yourself or in parties with your friends. You may fight with your dragon at your sideor ride a wolf into battle.

For newbie players we offer help and we have Player Representatives to help you start and guide you through our realm.

In 2011 the mud have been reseted and changed a bit to be more attractive. Balance of race have changed also the reincarnation system. Now we have territory divided between races and cities that are occupied by different races. Also, the reputation system have been implemented. We strongly encourage you to check our mud and see yourself what adventures we have prepared for you!

Mud Theme: fantasy

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# Days Listed6268
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status7
Total Telnet Attempts5060.081
Total Website Attempts7920.126
Telnet Attempts This Month37312.032
Website Attempts This Month54517.581