Dragonball Uprising was created to bring forth the ideas of old and new, and to form a community of players who would love to play that game of yesteryear but with new skills, races, and a constant flow of ideas. The skill system, not seen very often in many clones, was developed by experienced coders and to this day is still being built upon by the people who were there since Day One. This skill tree allows for a free motion of techniques for when you begin. Adding much flavor to the game for veterans. The race system built upon Dragonball characters though relying heavily on the material of the show. It also strives to build your own unique concept of your character and with a bit of imagination, your own world. The races themselves range from the brutish and snide Saiyan, the maniacal and power hungry Icer, to the hellish pits of the Deadzone to bring the Demons and watchers of the universe, the kind-hearted and enigmatic Kaios. As for the community, we strive to bring an entertaining and no nonsense attitude, but listening all the while.
Mud Theme: Dragonball, Z, GT
Raw Data | Average Data | |
# Days Listed | 847 | |
Last Connection Status | Connected | |
# Days With Status | 165 | |
Total Telnet Attempts | 527 | 0.622 |
Total Website Attempts | 11 | 0.013 |
Telnet Attempts This Month | 397 | 12.806 |
Website Attempts This Month | 0 | 0.000 |