

Promage is a mud coded from scratch in Visual Basic. We have rooms, monsters, objects, grouping, skills, damage and healing spells, ansi color, auto-mapping, shops, mailing, storage, banking, automated questing, training, 5 races and 7 classes. In contrary to most muds, monsters and objects don't have fixed stats, but the level determines the stats. This allows unique abilities like leveling up objects and monsters.

Objects level up by simply wearing them and killing monsters equal in power, making them stronger in defense, attack and/or damage. They can load on monsters, in rooms and chests and can tweak or have many different attributes. Tweaking means the object is either slightly better of worse than normal, an iron sword +7 means is 7% better. Attributes load at random, for example a chance to pierce armor.

The game is in general up in the evening (GMT+1), except on friday and saturday. Other hours are also possible, on request (email).

Mud Theme: Medieval

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Promage Stats
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# Days Listed5285
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status6
Total Telnet Attempts5370.102
Total Website Attempts1720.033
Telnet Attempts This Month37912.226
Website Attempts This Month00.000