Pull up a log and warm yourself by the fire. Let me tell ye of a world of fantastic magic. A world in a struggle between darkness and light. Aye, a world of grand adventure and wonderful tales of deeds and quests beyond your imagination. I tell ye now of Primal Darkness. A world you just may come to call home.
Our realm is in dire need of you good traveler. Whether ye be good or evil, vile or heroic, ye are welcome here! Our realm is growing, new discoveries await the bold and adventurous sort. Many an adventurer has traveled this realm and I invite you to join us in creating the culture and history of this world!
Whether you prefer might or magic, leading the charge or lurking in the shadows, Primal Darkness boasts twenty three start races, three quest races, five start classes and twenty one subclasses to suit your adventuring needs, and a custom remort system allowing you to save all your hard work while trying out new races and/or classes. The world has zoned player killing (pk) supported by a justice system, player built and ran guilds, a fully sail-able ocean with customizable ships and ship battle system, a fully flyable sky with mapping system, mud-wide auction line, a coliseum in which to prove your battle prowess, and much more.
Primal Darkness supports over thirty areas to explore with more being rumored at even now. PD also has an active building community dedicated to helping the mud expand and grow. Active staff and helpful players help make PD the unique experience it has become. We hope you will join us in the game world by logging in and playing at mud.primaldarkness.com:5000 for your next great adventure.
Mud Theme: Fantasy
Raw Data | Average Data | |
# Days Listed | 6023 | |
Last Connection Status | Connected | |
# Days With Status | 175 | |
Total Telnet Attempts | 713 | 0.118 |
Total Website Attempts | 519 | 0.086 |
Telnet Attempts This Month | 554 | 17.871 |
Website Attempts This Month | 519 | 16.742 |