Legacy MUCK


Welcome home weary traveller! You have discovered a place to rest your weary bones, chew the fat of tales long past and forgotten, and have a darn swell time! The general theme is based in medieval times. There are various themeless areas hidden throughout the muck. if you can find them. We also offer games such as Yahtzee, Jotto, Cribbage, and more. We provide free web pages you can edit on the muck or point to other places. We welcome both newbies and veterans alike. Muf and MPI bits are available for those who like to use them.

Mud Theme: Fantasy

Client Recommendation: tinyfugue

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Legacy MUCK Stats
Raw Data Average Data
# Days Listed267
Last Connection StatusConnected
# Days With Status265
Total Telnet Attempts3721.393
Total Website Attempts4711.764
Telnet Attempts This Month35211.355
Website Attempts This Month40513.065