

Tired of looking for the Seven Keys of Krel'len Kan'kefrous? Do you laugh when people tell you how an elf is 'supposed to talk'? Then come on down to CheesyMUD for a breath of fresh air and a side order of insanity! For starting players, we have a comprehensive tutorial and help files. For the experts, we have a unique battle system (with fair experience!) that will be sure to challenge. And, if you're lucky enough to become a builder, we have a custom online building environment, complete with an online programming language (no more reboots for new code!).

So, if you're looking for a MUD with a friendly, social environment, no PK, no rent, unrestricted multiplaying and grouping, and a battle system that does all the math for you, then stop on by! For more information, check out

We hope to see you there!

Mud Theme: Random Insanity

CheesyMUD Mud Reviews

1 review found, Post a review

Review posted by Maggie aka Shia
Posted on Thu Oct 16 12:47:53 2003 / 0 comments
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This is great! This is so fun! I mud and rp elsewhere and it gets a bit stressed out, but man just five minutes in CheesyMud and I was laughing my tush off, totally relaxed and not terribly worried that where I was suppose to go or leveling my tush off. Stop and play monopoly? Stop and play the slot machine? Stop and play roulette? Its all there, totally unpressured and fun. I can start singing Dude looks like a Lady and not made to feel like an idiot.

I have a lot yet to figure out with this mud, but thats okay, its fun, its relaxing.

Guys you've done a heck of a job here!

Everywhere I go there's been something that's downright funny or tongue in cheek amusing.

Keep up the great work guys!

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