Avdanced Persistent Threat


Full disclosure: I am the sole developer and builder of APTMud.

Some of my influences were early PvP MUD's of the late 90's like Aliens vs Predator. A lot of the dynamics of this MUD have borrowed from AVP.

APT stands for "Advanced Persistent Threat". This is a term that is used in computer security, but I also felt it was a great title for the constant threat of violence from the NPC's and players that you will encounter in the MUD.

The theme of the MUD is modern day. You won't find fantastical elements like dwarves or elves with magical powers. Instead, you'll find vile NPC's like kidnappers, car jackers, and private security forces. The setting is in modern day Earth, though the cities and the locations don't correlate to actual places.

The main forcus of APTMud is to emulate, in some ways, the Diablo experience: Kill NPC's, pick up the randomly generated loot, compare it with the loot you currently have, and move on to the next area. The game is PvE and PvP. The PvP portion is still a work in progress and there are likely some major balancing fixes that will need to be put in place, but you're free to player kill whomever you want.

I don't have a strong opinion on multiplay. If anything, we'll review your multiplay sessions if they seem to be way too overpowered. So just be ready for that if you're wrecking everything.

The RNG loot drops that you'll find will be one of a few different types of weapons. The types of weapons in APTMud are: - Sub-machine guns - Assault Rifles - Light Machine Guns - Shotguns - Sniper Rifles - Pistols

There are what are called "Uniques" in that the base weapon has many attachments. For example: The "Chem-LANCE" unique consists of: - G36c Assault Rifle - Caustic barrel - stabilizer grip - high impact corrosive magazine - ignition muzzle - dual thermal+night vision sight - frag under-barrel

Each weapon has several attributes. And if a "unique" has several attachments, those attachments all contribute their own buffs/nerfs/elemental damages to the total damage output. So if I have a chem-lance, I would get all the benefits of attaching the "caustic barrel" to it.

Another important aspect of APT is that there are a decent amount of support items and tools to utilize. There are claymore mines, frag grenades, sensor grenades, incendiary grenades, smoke grenades, and flashbangs. There are even drones that you can utilize to scope out the area without alerting hostile NPC's. While breach charges are an item in the game, they don't have the type of gameplay impact that I'd like, so take that as you will.

Each weapon or attachment has it's own list of attributes. These attributes all contribute to the type, range, and damage of the weapon. Attachments add to these totals. Attachments are things like scopes, muzzles, magazines, and stocks (among others).

With all that being said, this MUD is still in the testing phases. But you're welcome to stop by and maybe play a few rounds of PvP if I or anyone else is around. You would just have to wander outside the COFOB zone where the rooms all say "PEACEFUL". As long as there are no "PEACEFUL" room tags, then you should be good to go. Have at it! Break things! Submit bug reports!

We're also looking for admins and builders. The codebase is in C++ and it utilizes all the new C++ standards (currently we're using c++20). If it's something you're interested in, send me an email at admin@aptmud.com

I hope to see you there! There should be tons of stuff to do as I add more content.

Mud Theme: Military looter shooter. Think Diablo but with PvP and an emphasis on ranged combat.

Client Recommendation: as long as your client can handle autoexits and, if you like, an overhead map

Additional Noted Features:

  • NPC's drop randomly generated weapons (SMG's, AR's, LMG's, Shotguns, Sniper, Pistol)
  • Different types of weapons: sub-machine guns, assault rifles, light machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols
  • Extensive demolitions arsenal: claymore mines, c4, frag, incendiary, sensor, flashbang grenades

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