

Approaching two decades as one of the internet's premier MUDs!

Welcome friend! Come immerse yourself in one of the largest and most advanced online games in existence. With thousands of players, tens of thousands of rooms, hundred of areas, dozens of quests and a billion possibilities, 3Kingdoms offers you endless worlds of adventure!

Simple enough to learn, yet complex enough to challenge you for years, 3Kingdoms is a colossal adventure through which many years of active and continued development by its dedicated coding staff has grown to be one of the best MUDs you will ever play.

Based around the mighty town of Pinnacle, three main realms beckon the player to explore. These kingdoms are known as: Fantasy, a vast medieval realm full of orcs, elves, dragons, and a myriad of other creatures; Science, a post-apocalyptic, war-torn world set in the not-so-distant future; and Chaos, a transient realm where the enormous realities of Fantasy and Science collide to produce creatures so bizarre that they have yet to be categorized.

During their exploration of the realms, players have the opportunity to join any of well over a dozen different guilds. These guilds, like the Knights, Necromancers and Juggernauts and many others, allow the player to become part of a powerful team and gives them a place to socialize with other players. Guilds also grant special, unique powers to the player, furthering their abilities as they explore the vast expanses of each realm. Add in the comprehensive skill system that 3K offers and you are able to customize your characters more than anywhere else.

3Kingdoms combines all these features, and so much more, to give the player an experience that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Come live the adventure and find out for yourself why 3K is the best there is!

Mud Theme: Fantasy, Science & Chaos

3-Kingdoms Mud Reviews

14 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Gilead
Posted on Mon Jun 2 09:53:02 2014 / 0 comments
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I love 3k. Yes it has it's ups and downs like all muds, but the content in the areas, the guilds, the quests, and the players are a lot of fun. Overall I think it provides a great experience for mudding with flexible rules and lots of ways to build up a character.

A big plus for me is the fact that there are three realms with three distinct avenues of content. Fantasy has all your rich fantasy based stories and monsters. Dragons, evil undead minions, magic, etc. The chaos realm is literally random with a hodge podge of random things to keep you busy and interested. Finally science is there for the cyberpunk in all of us that wants to travel to a post-apocalyptic world and deal with massive radiation, space travel, and tech.

The admin have done a good job over the years of cultivating lots of content, the majority of which is original, but also cool areas/guilds that we all know. You can be a fremen on 3K; you can go be Duke Nukem and drop a bomb on Bigpig. You can enter the world of Humpty Dumpty and find out what happens to all the kings horses and all the kings men. The list goes on.

Overall it's an amazing mud and a lot of fun. It could use improvement in the area of speed. It takes a tremendous amount of time to level up and become powerful to visit all the far reaching areas. Because of that there's a lot of grinding and that can be boring. However I've played this mud solidly for years and still enjoy it.

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Review posted by Gilead
Posted on Sun Jun 1 16:57:17 2014 / 0 comments
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I love 3k. Yes it has it's ups and downs like all muds, but the content in the areas, the guilds, the quests, and the players are a lot of fun. Overall I think it provides a great experience for mudding with flexible rules and lots of ways to build up a character.

A big plus for me is the fact that there are three realms with three distinct avenues of content. Fantasy has all your rich fantasy based stories and monsters. Dragons, evil undead minions, magic, etc. The chaos realm is literally random with a hodge podge of random things to keep you busy and interested. Finally science is there for the cyberpunk in all of us that wants to travel to a post-apocalyptic world and deal with massive radiation, space travel, and tech.

The admin have done a good job over the years of cultivating lots of content, the majority of which is original, but also cool areas/guilds that we all know. You can be a fremen on 3K; you can go be Duke Nukem and drop a bomb on Bigpig. You can enter the world of Humpty Dumpty and find out what happens to all the kings horses and all the kings men. The list goes on.

Overall it's an amazing mud and a lot of fun. It could use improvement in the area of speed. It takes a tremendous amount of time to level up and become powerful to visit all the far reaching areas. Because of that there's a lot of grinding and that can be boring. However I've played this mud solidly for years and still enjoy it.

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Review posted by Grinch
Posted on Mon Nov 17 20:17:17 2008 / 3 comments
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Well, being a player on 3-Kingdoms has been a good time. Recently, it seems to be falling apart. My character of almost 6 years was wiped because of triggers being left on, when it is NOT a wipeable offense. I think the most disturbing thing about this is, if you spend that much time on a character and wipe it, you have absolutely no chance/way of defending yourself. I guess my perks for the $500 I donated is gone too.

There is also a huge lack of wizards on these days as well. Used to have a lot of people there to code and help out. A few of the guilds have been buggy for over a year, coding in guilds is semi buggy (some of the guilds), constant show of favoritism towards certain players. When I say favoritism, I was wiped for just having protection triggers on and I passed out at the keyboard. Some players can do this with no punishment, because the wizards like them and don't want them to ever be punished for anything (gets much worse).

You know, I could rag on 3k for quite a while. If you like to try it, go for it. Most people are in their own little click, wizards show favoritism, some guilds buggy, clan world def. buggy... and trust me, if you slip up, any time that you put into your character is toast. Once again, they trashed my character of FIVE years over a non-wipeable offense.

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Comment posted on Mon Oct 20 18:38:11 2008 by Babylon:

This is a pretty lame Grinch. You got wiped because you're one of the most prolific, abusive people that has ever laid fingers on 3 Kingdoms. You harmed the playing experience for so many other people that it's actually shocking you were allowed to play as long as you did. You cheated, harassed people, got caught repeatedly, and bot illegally and got caught which you freely admit. Then you want to smear the mud by posting this pathetic attempt of an attack because you're bitter and hateful? Shame on you, for shame.

If you were not such a repeat offender of the highest magnitude, you'd never have had a problem for a minor offense. That however is not the case and I'm rather appalled to would take trying to hurt 3k one step further with this post. No mud is perfect, 3 Kingdoms is not perfect, but it's a fun place to play and great community that has been made better with your departure. Good riddance.


Comment posted on Mon Oct 20 18:58:41 2008 by Peace:

Much of this is untrue. The offense Grinch was wiped for was a form of botting, an offense which one can be wiped for the first offense. This was not Grinch's first offense, either. He was a repeat offender, breaking mud rules often.

There is not a huge lack of wizards on or un-idle. Wizards are not always around or on call. However, they are not paid either. All wizards are volunteers, and considering that fact and the fact that the game is free, they do a darn good job.

Bugs exist in the game, yes, but they do get resolved eventually. Guild bugs are a problem only if the guild has no active coder - if no one maintains it, it may not get fixed immediately. The one bug Grinch is clanworld - but that is because no coders have stepped up to the challenge of fixing it up and making it work right 100% of the time.

Lastly, wizards do not show favoritism. Some are friendlier than others, and it depends on what is going on at any given time - if they are exceedingly busy with something, expect them to say it. Wizards have friends, but I have never seen an instance of a wizard showing favoritism to a friend.

- Peace

Comment posted on Fri Oct 31 09:02:55 2008 by Dresden:

Felt I needed to respond to this. I've been playing 3k since I found out there were text based games other than Terris on AOL. Now, I've had many incarnations over the years, so I have really no long standing status on the mud. However, I love playing 3k. From the vast number of areas to hunt in, to the coolest character glasses (guilds) I've ever had the chance to play.

Don't let this sour review ruin your chance at a great time.

Review posted by Thunder
Posted on Wed Aug 6 22:07:03 2008 / 0 comments
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After over 13 years of mudding on 3k I've spent over a year of active time playing and I've yet to complete all the quests offered and I'm still not top of my guild. I rank among the top players though and I consider the journey barely started. I'm part of a very close group of people that rank amongst the elite of our active player base. Among the group our friendship runs so deep that we all find ourselves helping each other in battle to the death or in some cases several deaths without a second thought. Also at times we find ourselves helping each other deep into the night when someone has a need for personal support cause of rl drama.

I strongly feel that 3k's playerbase is more like a family to me. With the omp (official mud party) drawing near (happens once a year) I find myself looking forward to meeting old friends in person and creating long lasting new friends.

To those in the Indianapolis area on August 8th and 9th 2008 feel free to stop by the radisson hotel and ask for Thunder at the convention center....I'll be happy to introduce you to some of 3k's players and welcome you to the family.

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Review posted by Babylon
Posted on Wed Jul 30 20:29:55 2008 / 0 comments
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As a long time player, 3k is my hobby. After much experience in the area this is where I make my home and for good reason. I've played many years, and there are a hundred other regulars that have made 3k their home as well. We all know each others names, party together at the official mud party each year, and are invested in one another as a community. Having an awesome team of people to play and flap with has kept me coming back.

Beyond the sappy stuff, 3 Kingdoms is the type of mud that helped give birth to the MMO era. It all started on muds, and the diversity of 3 Kingdoms touches every aspect of any MMO you will play. The system of guilds and their varied played styles covers pretty much any style you like to play. The crazy damage guy or the crazy tanking guy, the summoner, the cyborg, and everything between. The great part is, it's not like there's just 1 way to tank. Healing, dodge based, AC based, and combinations of them all. Doing damage isn't focused around just beaty sticks and lightning bolts, there's a great system that covers all the damage styles of delay, DOT, penetrating, and everything else you can think of. The monsters and how they fight are just as innovative and complex. The depth and complexity of the guilds and monsters make challenges fighting from level 1 to all the way up as compelling puzzles and or down right dirty slobberknockers!

The questing system is totally optional, but the stories and flavor are too much to pass by. If the areas and quests were not as snazzy and creative we wouldn't spend the hours and hours mapping, searching, and questing in them year after year! I also like that with the 3 realms of Chaos, Science, and Fantasy, you can build any kind of story you want in any genre. There are shadow runs, dungeon crawls, moon walks, and diabolical alchemists. All the flavor you can ask for and not have to pay $12 bucks a month!

These are some of the many things that has kept 3 Kingdoms my hobby for so many years. The fighting keeps me entertained and challenged the advancement and questing keeps me interested. The community keeps me devoted. I hope other people like myself find their way to 3k. It's a good time with depth and flavor that is hard to equal.

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Review posted by bonecrusher
Posted on Thu Jun 26 20:16:22 2008 / 0 comments
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3k is an awesome mud, from the newbie experience all the way into the high end content and questing. As a newbie you have your own area called newbie land. This is reserved for newbies and makes getting familiar with 3k a snap. In addition to this, 3k has newbie helpers, players dedicated to ensuring the success of newbies. These two resources make 3k extremely newbie friendly.

Upon graduation from newbie land you are eligible to join a guild. This is one of many areas where 3k really shines. Each guild has extensive depth and theme associated with it. A quick rundown of all the guilds are: changeling, gentech, mage, sii, bards, cyborg, jedi, monk, witch, bladesingers, elemental, juggernaut, necromancer, breed, fremen, knight and priest. Some guilds excel at tanking (defense), while others excel at damage, and others still are more of a balance. Some guilds are good at the start of a boot run while others need a bit of work early on, but shine later as a result. The bottom line is the number of guilds, and variations in the guilds, along with the depth make it easy to find the guild for you.

Another aspect of 3k is the depth of the areas. I've heard there is an extensive review process when the wizards add an area into 3k. This maintains the high standards 3k has for areas. As you explore you begin to realize this depth in the insane amount of detail a single room has, let alone the area. In addition to this the various areas within each kingdom (science and fantasy) are tied together with an overall theme. This only adds to the area experience. On top of this there is a very extensive quest system with 3k. So if you tire from battle you can switch it up and quest.

In summary 3k provides a rich experience from newbie land all the way into high end content. I must admit I have work to do because I still haven't experienced all that 3k has to offer. I look forward to seeing you on 3k, and if you want a cool guild to join give necromancers a try.

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Review posted by Gorath
Posted on Mon Jun 30 21:08:11 2008 / 0 comments
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My time at 3Kingdoms is still amazing, having started mudding here in 1996, retiring from mudding in 1998 and then returning in 2001. I guess as they say, once you are hooked, you are hooked!

The playerbase is huge and very diverse. I have met people and made friends in Israel, US, Sweden, Australia, Denmark just to name a few.

The mud has 38209 rooms you can explore and 88 quests you can solve. Quests are optional, but completing them gives you quest points which in turn gives your character status as a High Mortal (if you reach the quests points required). There are 15 High Mortal status symbols.

What draws me to 3Kingdoms (3K): I love questing, and the 3Kingdom questing system appealed to me. Each quest is different, some have mazes, some have puzzles, some you need to gather friends and fight nasty beasties.

Only your imagination is your limit. Not the mud. Furthermore the guild system is huge and complicated. You can pick from 18 guilds. I have been a Necromancer since 1996 (even after I rejoined in 2001). Reason is simple. Very well coded guild, loads of extras and I always loved playing a Magic User. Each guild also has a management structure. So if you get tired of playing, move into management and help other players. If that no longer appeals, you can become a Wizard and start coding more areas or even a guild. Anyone that reached High Mortal status, can apply to become a Wizard.

All in all, 3kingdoms will give you hours, days and years of pleasure. If you are tired of JUST hacking-and-slashing and want to develop your creativity, join 3Kingdoms. Yes, you can hack-and-slash the whole day on 3K as well (if you want). but not all of us wants that. Some of us have brains that need more stimulation.

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Review posted by Eman
Posted on Thu Jun 26 20:15:02 2008 / 0 comments
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3k is by far the best. First of all, I like LP style muds. Then when i tried others, there was too much to select from even as newbie.... race, class, profession, skills. On 3k you only choose a guild first, later after you advance in guild you get to have other choices; made things a lot easier.

I also really like the quests there. It has a lot of them, and since the mud is always evolving they keep adding more.

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Review posted by D6monk
Posted on Tue Jun 17 20:45:21 2008 / 0 comments
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I have been playing muds since around 1992 and have found a few that I have really liked. However, when I recently tried to go back to playing muds (I was swept up in the MMO wave for a while) it seemed like they were all the same. Same races, same classes, even the same areas sometimes! I could almost use my same alias, triggers, macros etc.

What really impressed me about 3k were the classes (guilds as they are called in 3k). Me and 3 friends started playing just recently and being in 3 different guilds is almost like playing 3 different games, they are so unique. It really makes it fun to try and figure things out and learn your guild.

So if you're sick of being a giant warrior or a halfling thief give 3k a try. I'm really glad I did. Oh, and it has one of the best communities of any mud I've played.

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Review posted by Ken
Posted on Wed Aug 6 22:04:38 2008 / 3 comments
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I've played on 3K for ~10 years now, I've enjoyed the people and the long fights. The variety of guilds is amazingly well thought out and is encouraged to party. Although this is a mud where you can also solo or just sit around playing cards while flapping about nothing at all or something serious. Well worth the time to check out.

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Comment posted on Sun Jun 1 19:30:54 2008 by Nick:

I tried 3k and spent a bit of time looking at the different guilds. I think it's one of the better muds still running, but think Ken has it very wrong when he says it encourages grouping.

It does the opposite, and it was the big turnoff for me. The many varied and quite interesting classes are well designed for soloing. Some, and only some, work well in groups.

The problem is all of those classes have different rhythms - some regen as they play, so they just need to manage their sp/hp expenditure. Others need to return to their guild, constantly. Some regen by sitting still or by farming lots of lower level mobs. Etc. etc.

A changeling, a mage, an elemental and a juggernaut form a team. After a minute, the elemental says 'wait here, I need to return to the guild to replenish my energy'.

He returns. After a minute the mage says 'wait here, I need to return to the guild to glvl'

She returns. After 2 minutes the changeling says 'stop, I'm out of stamina and need to sit here doing nothing for a few minutes'

The juggernaut quietly went afk 2 seconds after the team was formed and was never heard from again.

Funny haha, but I was in that team. Minus the juggernaut - I just added that for an extra laugh (if you've played 3k you'd get it).

The playerbase is very friendly and supportive of new players. The guilds are amongst the most unique you'll find in any mud today (BIG strength). Generally speaking, those guilds have been well designed for solo gameplay, but not for group play.

There are signs that the devs are trying to fix this - adding more guild powers that only work to benefit others (i.e. can't use on self) - but they're not there yet.

This game is quite enjoyable and I'd recommend it to anyone. But if you try it expecting to be playing in teams (at all), you'll probably be disappointed.

Comment posted on Sat Jul 12 07:40:16 2008 by Geoff:

I've been playing 3k for about 10 years on and off and I've played just about every guild there is. I can honestly say that every single guild on 3k parties well together, with the exception of elementals at an early stage in the guild. After a while elementals don't need to run back to guild all the time and can stay in combat as long as they want. I am currently playing a juggernaut and I love to group up with elementals as we can just roam around fighting stuff constantly for hours.

Sorry to hear that your grouping experience was terrible but I can assure you that it is far from the normal group experience on 3k. You just grouped with players that don't really understand partying well. Mages do not need to glvl, they can just store the gxp and wait till everyone is ready to go back to town. People constantly going to town or afk is the players fault not the game design (with the exception of small elementals) :)

As a juggernaut I am always being asked to group with almost every class in the game. You get an xp boost for partying and some guilds, like juggers also get some guild related bonuses for grouping too, so grouping is encouraged and as you said they're working on ways to encourage it further.

Comment posted on Mon Jul 21 21:33:22 2008 by Thunder:

After 13 years of mudding on 3k I can say without any hesitation that nick is right, and completely wrong. Let me explain.

When you decide to group at low glevel/level it is at times difficult to get a good rhythm going. It also makes it difficult if people are different sizes. Mixing very advanced players with low level players is at times very difficult for the lower players to keep up. That said, with enough experience and glevels/Levels under your belt you can very easily establish a wonderful relationship with many other players and party together in a profitable situation.

I currently am part of the strongest most active clan on 3k (select group of players from various guilds who come together). When we group together we make 3 to 4 times the experience that other people can make solo....EACH. It didn't come easy and we all had to work for it but together we can experience content on the mud that most only get to dream about. By ourselves none of us could handle it. But nothing worth having comes easy and to really be powerful you must learn how to play your charector with others....

Review posted by danya
Posted on Mon May 12 22:56:27 2008 / 0 comments
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TEXT?!?!?! That is always the response I get when I am asked about gaming and let people know I have played at the same text based rpg for over 12 years. It's hard for people to grasp not only that there are no pictures, but that I have been there for so long. 3K has a community and structure that makes it easy. Some of the best features of 3K that have kept me here all these years...

-Dedicated wizards. You can have the most awesome tricky code and great themes in the world, but it all means nothing without competent, active support to keep those things going. 3K wizards are active, creatively producing, and innovating, and that means a lot.

-Large, mixed user base. There are always lots of folks online, and it's a great mix of long term and new players. The long term players are invested in 3K's success and put the effort into helping new people, and new people keep things fresh and innovating. It's a great cycle!

-Lots of areas/activities. I have never seen a community with SO MUCH to do and see. This means that instead playing intensely, running out of things to do, and then quitting while bemoaning the wasted time, you feel as if there are always new things to do and you are progressing in an adventure rather than a 1-shot game.

-GREAT PEOPLE!!! The most important aspect for a game. Code is just bits of data, it's the people that make it a community, and 3K has the most dedicated, creative, and awesome people I have seen in a game.

Come by and take a look, you won't regret it! The 100s of great people I have met over the years can't all be crazy!

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Review posted by Fade
Posted on Wed May 7 21:14:37 2008 / 0 comments
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This will be the first time I have written a review for a game like 3K and I'm not sure I can do it justice.

After playing 3K on and off for 10 years I am continuously amazed at what the coders (wizards) come up with. Areas with great theme, unique monsters to challenge even the most explerienced players, quests to explore if you like that sort of thing, and guilds where players can grow. If you like to party/group with other players or if you prefer to play alone, 3K easily allows for either style.

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Review posted by Icelady
Posted on Mon Apr 10 19:54:43 2006 / 0 comments
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Three Kingdoms is a very family orientated mud where you can find hours of enjoyment at any given time of the day. There is an exceptionally large amount of rooms to explore and quests to solve for those so inclined to do so. When starting out as a newbie player, 3k has a large newbie helper base to ensure there is always someone around to answer your questions if you prefer a more personal approach, while still offering a large amount of helpfiles available on every possible subject.

There are many guilds to choose from and each one having so many things to offer the player. You can roleplay as much or as little as you choose. Customizing your character can be done how you wish, right down to the stats you choose, to having a tatoo placed on your body. From a player and a guild staff perspective, 3k is a place I am proud to call home. The people are caring and friendships can be made and expanded by attending a Mud party which is held once per year in various locations. You can develop such friendships and keep them for any length of time as the majority of the players here have no desire to go elsewhere and have been here for a long time.

As one of the long term family members myself, I have tried other muds and always found that I missed the people and the family atmosphere that is always present on 3k. The wizards work very hard to ensure each player has more challenges awaiting them by offering more areas to explore, new guilds opening, and even more challenging quests being put into the game. Three kingdoms offers both a pk and a regular playing opportunity with sim pk being offered in clans.

Come give 3k a chance and let us welcome you into our family. It is a choice you will not regret and enjoyment is all you will find there. Be sure to look me up if you do, and I will gladly aid you in anything you will need. I am also a newbie helper and spend most of my day logged in and helping others. Come for a visit, stay for a long time! We have something to suit every playing style. With no age restriction our playerbase ranges from the very young, to the young at heart.

I look forward to meeting many new faces in the future. Come one, come all, and enjoy the fun of a whole new kingdom or 3.

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Review posted by Tweety
Posted on Mon Apr 10 19:54:08 2006 / 0 comments
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Let's see, where to start? 3-Kingdoms, or '3k' as it is called is a MUD among MUDS. With one of the most active Wizard staffs, to the extreme size of the MUD, to the guilds, this is a MUD you can really come to call home. I have played many online games, and for some reason, I keep coming back here. Maybe it's the feeling of friendship or the sheer amount of things there are to do here.

There are many guilds to choose from: Like damage? join elementals. Like to tank? join juggernauts. There is something for everyone here no matter what you like to do. Plenty of quests, if that is your thing, or if you like to kill, PLENTY of areas to explore.

So, come give 3-Kingdoms a try, you won't be disappointed! -Tweety, the Canary of death (undead) - http://www.3k.org telnet://3k.org:3000

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