The city of 'Straford' in '' is a hotbed of crime, mystery, paranormal activity, and (best of all) role-playing.

Established in 1999, 'TNC' (formerly 'Stormy Nights') has a new owner and a new direction. The game focuses more on non-stop player-instigated role-play with staff assistance (and from time to time a staff-instigated role-playing session). A player-run newspaper (complete with reports, editors, newsrooms, bulletin boards, and, of course, newspapers) reports the activities of the players, including the player-run police department and organization that often conflicts with one of the player-run mafias. These run-ins often lead to player lawyers representing both sides in our realistic courtroom design with a concealed jury system.

With new professions being enhanced for player-run role-playing all the time, '' is constantly improving itself. Currently featuring a real-time camera/film/theatre system, cars, houses, offices, postal system, phones, casino, three towns (two habitable), television system, auction system, player-run bars, airplanes, trains, musical instruments, accent system, identity-concealing masks, access to staff assistance, and more!

Coming soon: player created (filmed, written, edited by and starring) films, medical system (player-run hospital), and more!

'' now supports the Wizard Front End client for those who wish to use it. Access information can be found at

Mud Theme: Modern-day Player-driven Role-playing. Mud Reviews
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