MorgenGrauen is a native German LPmud. It is 24 hours reachable. Level advancement can be achieved by solving quests, finding hidden things or killing NPCs. Attributes (like strength and intelligence) are increased by find hidden potions. High-level players may become Seers (Seher) or Wizards (Magier).
MG features regions of different themes and size and a variety of different guilds (classes). Seers have the opportunity to build their own houses and have faster movement through magic gates. We invest special efforts in making Morgengrauen screenreader-friendly to accomodate blind players.
Interested persons may also take advantage of our WebTelnet frontend (MG-Client) found on our web page, which allows to play in Morgengrauen without any client and with more comfort than simple telnet. This browser based client is also screenreader-friendly.
Mud Theme: Fantasy
Raw Data | Average Data | |
# Days Listed | 7974 | |
Last Connection Status | Connected | |
# Days With Status | 194 | |
Total Telnet Attempts | 442 | 0.055 |
Total Website Attempts | 962 | 0.121 |
Telnet Attempts This Month | 384 | 12.387 |
Website Attempts This Month | 757 | 24.419 |