Dragon Ball Star


We've been around for some time now. DBStar is a mud where we emphasise having fun: There is a strong roleplay streak running through the mud that links with a 'fallout' style perks system, and a jobs system that is reminiscent of Final Fantasy games. A ship system, Housing systems, an extended stats system, hiscore boards, customized equipment, a dragonball wish system, extensive race and skill options, a skill capsule system akin to 'Dragonball Z : Budokai', rewards for dogged players, over 180 skills split over 10 races, from Humans to Wizards, unique abilities like bodyswap, egg laying and genocide attack, poll and voting systems, and a unique 'train' command. There is no limit to player statistics, with technically infinite hitpoints and kipoints available, and players can indulge in side-missions, roleplaying, item hunting, and more real-life tasks, such as fishing, cooking, and creating their own items - All of which bring substantial rewards to the player's character.

Roleplay is automatically rewarded by the MUD, and the points gained can be used in a number of ways - Including Fusion. Points earned from completing missions goes towards jobs, or small rewards, like power increases or items. In addition, we update frequently, and fix bugs within days or even hours of them being identified and confirmed. We are always on the lookout for talented new builders, and always on the lookout for engaged players.

The MUD isn't for everyone, and I'd be lying if I said it was, but we certainly will do our best to make anyone feel at home. Coupled with our extensive character customisation systems, which are constantly being improved on, we hope that you will enjoy your time here, and recognise our attempt to rise above other Dragonball MUDs.

For clarity, this is -not- a DBSaga clone. The code was written from the ground up from stock Smaug by myself, with a few released code snippets from other games.

Mud Theme: Anime

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