Castle Arcanum


- Unique mob programs enhance gameplay - Configurable and personalized player-owned rooms - Object programs that add life to the surroundings - Room programs that can give the element of motion - Almost all original areas - Strong player base - Customizable interface and color scheme - Automated quests and trivia game - Staff-sponsored quests - Casino games like blackjack that allow wagering - Other games offer friendly competition like Connect 4 - Arena area allows PK without losing exp. or eq. - User friendly MUD school with extensive help files - Storage lockers that save through reboots - Corpse retrieval avaible for a price - Unique multiclass system - Advanced command aliasing - Always friendly staff - Rated: Netscape Search Editor's Choice listing for MUDs - Rated: Lycos Top Rated website listing in the "MUDs and Other Online Communities" category - Rated: One of the top Internet games for kids by - Featured MUD listing at and - Plus much more, with more added all the time!

Mud Theme: Fantasy, with a bit of everything else for flavor

Castle Arcanum Mud Reviews

3 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Pandreic
Posted on Thu Aug 11 19:34:47 2005 / 0 comments
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Castle Arcanum is the first MUD i've played at and it's the best i know of. The most important thing in CASTLE ARCANUM is that everyone is kind to each other, not many MUDS have such a friendly playerbase. We all play in here to have a great time and make lots of friends.

At start, i wasn't an amazing player(this being my first MUD), but i was willing to learn and with the help of other players(staff members and mortals), i got experience in the game and became very good at it.

Being a quest-fan, i was amazed to see the big number of quests that CASTLE ARCAUM has. I always loved to fight with my friends in the arena (a place where players can fight without losing anything).

A great thing that's happening is that lots of changes are being made constantly, increasing the fun. A good thing is that we have an enormous number of areas you can level in, making it very fun to level. We are always hosting lots of contests, trivias and games with nice prizes :) CASTLE ARCANUM has changed my life in better!!!!!!

I suggest you should come and visit us. Me and all of my friends will give you a warm welcome and we will make sure you will enjoy it!!!


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Review posted by Gabby
Posted on Thu Aug 4 21:14:39 2005 / 0 comments
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Castle Arcanum is, by and large, the best MUD I've played at. It has an astounding playerbase, with several knowledgable and experienced players available around the clock and is extremely newbie friendly. There is a training tower that will help new players (whether it be new to this MUD or MUDS in general) learn the basics, and if they need additional assistance, a staff member is always willing to help out.

Castle Arcanum is also heavily modified from the ENVY code, and it shows! Loads of bonus features including a castle labyrinth where players can race each other (it constantly changes!), an arena where players can battle, and several well known games including hangman, mastermind, blackjack, and even slots. Additionally, new things are being added constantly, keeping things fresh.

If you're going to MUD, Castle Arcanum is certainly the way to go.

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Review posted by Greg Nikitow
Posted on Sat Jul 2 19:21:45 2005 / 0 comments
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A buddy of mine started me playing Arcanum in my sophomore year of HS. I didn't make it that far and afterwards went on a 4 year hiatus. In April of 2004 I made a character again and was welcomed warmly by the staff. Everyone helped me get involved again, and now I'm currently a staff member as well as a player.

The themes of the areas, as well as the mobs, varried enough to keep me entertained through the levels. Likewise, the items are well thought up and well balanced, which kept the game challenging while not making it frustrating.

Castle Arcanum conveys such a friendly (and at times rowdy ;P) atmosphere that I don't think I'll ever find a more appealing MUD. Look me up under Binian or Azraelump if you decide to drop by and I'll be one of the first to welcome you to the family :)

Binian Azraelump Ranger - Angel Warrior - Lvl 251

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