

Nirvana has now been around for a what seems forever. Most of the players and wizards have long term investment in Nirvana and care about it. Nirvana follows an older style of LPmud with no set theme. The result of this being wizard creativity runing in all directions producing a diverse world where just about anything can happen from couples having babies to adventuring in bowl of jello occupied by strange critters. Players can have as many characters as they like so long as they do not have interaction between them. (only one can be used at a time) PK is limited to those who wish it and in certain areas of the game. Along with risk free sparing options and other features that allow players to enjoy the thrill of a more lively opponent. That said, there are also NPC's that are almost alive, to where some players mistake them for other players. Nirvana has had the 'honor' of having other muds try to copy it in whole or part, sometimes using less than honest means to do so. But there can be no true copy, don't accept an imitation when only the original will do.

Mud Theme: Open.

Nirvana Mud Reviews

7 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Xehanort
Posted on Sat Jul 5 11:59:01 2014 / 0 comments
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Nirvana has been a place that I can call home. From the multitude of alts I have theres still plenty for me to do.

Guilds are plentiful ranging from good, evil, to the pk oriented, to the pking discouraged...where you can go solo or group up

You can get married, and even have mud kids which will in turn help you fight that you equip with gear.

Guilds we have are Fallen, Shardaks, Rogues, Cyberninjas, Samurai, Warriors, Symbiotes (modeled from spiderman), neo symbiotes, Dervish, Polymorphs, Mages, Power Rangers, Templar Knights, Bards, Black Circle Mages, BloodFist...and many more being created.

Areas range from science fiction, cartoons, tv shows...some are 100% creative, some even I call twisted (Jello it insane).

Theres no barriers to what a wizard can create. You want to contribute? You can become a wizard yourselves with time and dedication.

The imagination is the limit...and just seeing these areas you can tell the wizards and players have rather vivid imaginations...some even a passion.

Lastly theres no limit on levels, recently a change was implimented called Prestige where your character starts from the begining again, but with each prestige level you get a bonus. Once you read level 19 +100 and have the gold, you can choose to prestige.

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Review posted by Springdawn
Posted on Mon Nov 17 20:15:59 2008 / 0 comments
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Nirvana is the best mud out there. You can party or solo, and you will grow as you make friends easily! There are plenty of newbie levels and most of the time there is someone always willing to lend a helping hand.

Plenty of guilds to choose from ranging from evil to neutral to good. Player killing is allowed, but it is restricted to those at certain levels. You don't have to be concerned about being killed at a low level.

So if you are reading this and want to try it, please join us for tons of fun!

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Review posted by Jenga
Posted on Sun Jan 20 20:33:22 2008 / 0 comments
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Nirvana is a fun place to go adventuring. The mud is a-jumble with science fiction and fantasy elements from every setting, era, and series of those genres. There's a zone for every taste, be it Star Trek, Literature, Clubbing, Horror-- the place is chock full of interesting monsters and objects.

Players are friendly, though often busy. The mud is definitely top-heavy at the moment, with most characters at a very high level. The lower level and mid level monsters and areas are wide open due to the relatively low 'new players'.

If you ask for help, you'll get it, though you may need to wait a bit.

I find the game fun and compelling.

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Review posted by Coglin
Posted on Wed Jan 16 19:53:17 2008 / 0 comments
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Hi People I've been playing Nirvana for quite awhile. I have played the game as many different characters and with each character, find the game more exciting. My words do no justice to Nirvana, come and see for yourself.

If you need help just ask, there are many folks who will greet and help.

PS: For the pkers, heh come on in we've areas just suited for play. See y'all there

Coglin Team leader of Power Rangers

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Review posted by Lacar
Posted on Fri Jan 12 20:35:37 2007 / 0 comments
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Nirvana has alot of different Guilds, from good to evil. We have guilds that only go after evil in the realms, to ones that go after the good. We have players in guilds that can player kill others, to ones who heal. Then we have other guilds that are in between.

The areas range from newbie, low levels, to high levels. There are all kinds of monsters to kill. There are quests that you can do that help get levels and coins. There are new areas that are being brought into the game.

We have a non-player character that can answer questions about certain areas, guilds or wizards. You can also read the news to find out what is new or any other changes. So come check us out, and see what you can do.

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Review posted by Fleshhunter
Posted on Mon Sep 26 20:17:51 2005 / 0 comments
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Nirvana is the greatest place that I have ever been and through everything that has gone on there, like the awesome new equipment to the maximum level of 19+100, I will continue to stay there. This is a great place to be! There are things for everyone to do. If you like LPMuds, then you really should come check out Nirvana for yourself. If you need any help, ask a Polymorph since they are mostly great at getting experience ;) Or also look for a Newbie Helper, which is a group of people who help Newbies begin their lives on Nirvana, which was formed by Lacar :) If you need any other help, ask me, Fleshhunter, and I'll try to help you out the best I can :) And once again, CHECK THIS PLACE OUT! IT'S AWESOME!

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Review posted by Sparkle
Posted on Thu Sep 15 20:26:46 2005 / 0 comments
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Only one word can describe Nirvana. NIRVANA. Maybe parts of it are like other games but the people make it special. From the wizards who code such great areas and keep them updated regularly to the players who give so much of their time to make the game fun.

Our wizards work very hard to make sure we have a huge range of areas. From newbie to high level and everything in between. Interesting characters/mobs. Fun areas. Great items. They try to listen and take ideas from the players of things they would like to see added to the game. Most of our wizards put the majority of their time into nothing but coding. Just to make sure we keep up with changing times and making sure no one gets bored.

The players range from newbie helpers that will assist any new players with their start in Nirvana to evil characters that roleplay like there is no other! Its a mix of all ages and people from all over the world that come together to really have a good time. And we do!

There are occasional contests for everyone to join in. Weddings to attend. Parties to join in order to help out others in learning the game better. Lots of people to talk to, to learn from, to teach. But most of all, just a great place to have some fun!

Why not come and check it out? Join the Nirvana family! Give us ideas on what you would like to see, if you don't see it. But most likely it's either there or on it's way to being. Hours of areas to fight in. Thousands of items (armor,etc) to obtain. Lots of money to earn. And lots of levels to achieve! Achieve the highest rank and maybe you'll find your name in the Hall of Legends!

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