

Mozart is one of the oldest Muds still extant on the Internet. With a large variety of character races and classes, hundreds of skills and spells, and an extensive world that offers challenges to all levels of play from the humblest apprentice to the mightiest avatar, Mozart Mud has continually expanded and evolved since its debut in 1993. We welcome you to join us and discover for yourself the rich texture of this very special place.

Mud Theme: Fantasy

MozartMud Mud Reviews

2 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Ken Lerke
Posted on Tue Feb 14 07:16:18 2017 / 0 comments
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I started on Mozart when I was 15-16 years of age, the mud was a very different monster back then. The world around you was far more harsh and less forgiving than it is now. Exploration could lead to the loss of a full set of equipment, adepts( 1=1% out of 10=100% in a skill ect.) You then also lost experience and at one time even levels. This is no longer the case. Though DTs still exist they're not as unforgiving. Even back then everyone was very helpful and ready to aid in anyway they could.

The staff then and now work tirelessly to improve the experiences for everyone. There are several in game quests and challenges for all levels to take on. We have Holidays that are run from time to time to add more flare and enjoyment for all. Between these are immortal run quests or events.

Our servers are fairly new and have long periods before the mud is reset or goes down. We offer many levels from 1-99 mortal levels. Then 11 Avatar levels each with class specific powers ranging from level 100-110. Those who are experienced enough and can prove themselves Through trials and tribulations may even join the gods ranging from levels 113-125.

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Review posted by Aaron Vienneau
Posted on Wed Dec 14 15:12:54 2016 / 0 comments
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MozartMUD is tremendous and virtually original. The immortal staff continue to work tirelessly to update and expand Mozart's extensive repertoire of features and zones. A friendly base of users will help you get acquainted with the Realms, and the flaw, avatar and legacy systems will keep you enthralled and challenged for years to come.

At level 50, flaws allow a player to create a character with specific and intentional in-game challenges and disadvantages. In compensation, players can choose from extra abilities; increasing their overall utility and becoming more lucrative to the Mozart community.

Upon reaching level 99, players can attempt to complete The Avatar Challenge which unlock 11 more levels, each level granting a class-specific ability/passive. Beware, however, as every iota of knowledge you've acquired in the Realm of Mozart will be put to the test in the Avatar Challenge, and only the most persevering will succeed.

If you ever manage to reach level 110, and become a Grand Avatar of Mozart, you'll be given the privileged opportunity to retire your character to legacy, and gain access to exclusive class combinations, or starting abilities or *perhaps* even the opportunity to play test a beta class.

Its important to note that these flaw, avatar and legacy abilities don't *necessarily* make you the most powerful character in the Realm. The challenges and creatures of Mozart are varied and call for much more than sheer damage or special abilities. Your knowledge, friends and wit will serve your far better than a grievous wound to your foe. Should you learn everything there is to know about the Surface Realms you can try the Under dark, where PK is legal, and see how you fair.

Find me in-game and I'll get you started on the right foot. See you soon!

~ Saej Blackthorn Mozart's Lord of Air

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