Divine Blood


Divine Blood is set in a medieval fantasy atmosphere. We offer 4 base classes, 4 remort classes, and 8 races. Players are allowed to customize each character to be unique from any other player. PlayerKilling is optional with a well balanced and sophisticated PK system. Players may join or create new clans, while having the option of purchasing clan enhancements such as more rooms, guards, shopkeepers, and more. The mortal levels range from 1-91, and remort system is functional. Immortal run quests and a Autoquests are also available, along with equipment bought with quest points. The Autoquest code has been specially modified for a PK/NON-PK mud environment. We have something for everyone. Anyone can easily learn to play Divine Blood whether you are a newbie to muds or a veteran of another code base. The only requirement is for players to follow the rules, use common sense, RP a little, and, most importantly, enjoy the game. Recent modifications to Divine Blood: * special non-pk/pk equipment * modified autoquest code for more balance * sophisticated pk system * modified clan system * room/obj progs * randomized stats on equipment per reset

Mud Theme: Medieval fantasy

Divine Blood Mud Reviews

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Review posted by Miroslav
Posted on Fri Nov 21 20:51:10 2008 / 0 comments
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Divine Blood is an ever-changing environment, with many 'easter eggs' hidden throughout. The playerbase is mostly helpful when asked politely, and the PvP scene has been quiet of late. The level of interactivity in the game is outstanding, with mobiles willing to chat (to an extent) in all major cities.

Players of all skill levels are welcomed, and there are several web pages devoted to assisting players with equipment and speedwalks. The immortal staff is extremely responsive, and open to new ideas.

I highly recommend this MUD to anyone from 16-96 years of age, as there is occasionally some adult language used in OOC chat.

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