

Bakhara is unfinished. Mostly the gods sit around and trade *nix and ISP administration tips. But, it's getting a little more playable each week.

Well, we like company. Fresh blood would be truly exciting. Oh, and although we do need more coders: don't ask about being a coder/builder/immortal. When we get to know you, we may ask you.

We've started regular playtesting sessions. They are very fun. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 20:00 EST. Check the website for details.

Mud Theme: AD&D ® 2nd Ed.

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Bakhara Stats
Raw Data Average Data
# Days Listed6151
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status6
Total Telnet Attempts3820.062
Total Website Attempts7110.116
Telnet Attempts This Month3039.774
Website Attempts This Month43614.065