aGe oF iNsaNitY


Death and destruction is only the beginning. Come join a realm where danger lurks around every corner. Where friends and enemies share the same faces... Where alliances can mean the difference between life and death. aGe of iNsaNitY has survived through the years because of its addictive draw. New admin, new players, new code, new zones, new rules haven’t thwarted the loyal. The world is bigger than ever. The features and adventures continue to grow.

Old players continue to return and new players are have been exploring the addictive draw of aGe of iNsaNitY! New zones have been added and more are in the final stages of development! ROM OLC has been implemented on a test server and builders have loved the enhancements that we've added. Remort only areas in Development and In Game quests are being run. We have also added in a Gold for Quest Gear exchange rate system.

Come join the Chaos. Come see what you're made of. Do you have what it takes to survive the aGe of iNsaNitY?

Attention Adventurers, Nobleman, Sorcerers and Warriors,

For centuries we have heroically kept Syrius and his vile disciples contained to their ghastly tower. I call upon you once again as a new and ungodly evil, forged from the depths of hell, has waged war on our kind and peaceful people. Their civilization is cruel and unforgiving, priding themselves on warfare and weaponry. They derive from one of the most ancient races long forgotten from this realm. Their souls burn with a wicked flame and their stature dwarfs even the mighty Unktan. Gather your finest, for this evil is unlike any we have ever encountered.

Should you choose to embark, follow the crimson embers drifting in from the far north and you shall find yourself at the base of a dark and ominous volcano.

Together we shall drive this villainous race back to their infernal abyss!

Your Righteous King,

-U Po Kyin

Mud Theme: Fantasy

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Website Attempts This Month36011.613