SMiLE is an abermud which supports player killing. The object of the game is to obtain 30+ quest points and get 200,000 points to make wizard. Points can be gained by solving puzzles and quests, killing mobiles and other players (if you have the killer flag) and dropping items of value in one of the two sacrificial pits.

The type of character you play is your choice. You may choose to run a killer, play nice and merely defend yourself when attacked, or something in between. Playing the mud as a player killing mud will increase the challenge you experience while running. Player killing also gives you the opportunity to try to outwit human players who are less predictable than computer generated mobiles. You also have the choice of playing the mud as a nonplayer killing mud. Which ever style you choose to play, the mobiles of SMiLE are more challenging than in some other muds. The game has a complete combat system with weapons, armor and spells. Weapons and armor are abundant and with a bit of exploration you can increase your magical knowledge.

Mud Theme: Medieval/Fantasy

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