

Looking for a MUD to call home? A place where you can feel welcome and and have lots of fun too? Look no further my friend! Emperia was built just for you!

Recently updated and expanded, Emperia is a non-pk, heavily- modified ROM mud with a unique fun atmosphere. With a huge variety of races, classes, and spells, we pride outselves on our diverse themes. Our genres are as varied as we know MUDders are. Whether you love traditional fantasy and role playing, or are interested in a more casual environment, we're the MUD for you. Players are invited to explore our vast areas, join our many tribes, role play, or just chat with our wonderful base of experienced, friendly players and staff.

Recent additions include: multi-level remort system, banking system, 20 new PC races, 21 new PC classes, paintball wars, and many new, original areas.

Mud Theme: Fun!

Emperia Mud Reviews

21 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Tempest
Posted on Fri Dec 7 11:13:05 2012 / 0 comments
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Emperia is an excellent place. Endless playability, great tier system, a caring staff and core of active, long-time players. The huge majority of areas have been rebuilt or created in-house, and there is a constant ongoing building effort to expand the world, without losing that classic Rom familiarity and form. What I personally would like to see, are more players to fully round out the incredible experience that Emperia has the potential to be. That's where you come in. If you see me around, I'll get you started on your journey. Stop by and say hello.

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Review posted by Bertram
Posted on Wed Nov 7 17:51:23 2012 / 0 comments
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Continuously updated and expanded over the past 15 years, Emperia is a non-pk, heavily-modified ROM mud with a unique fun atmosphere. With a huge variety of races, classes, skills and spells, we pride outselves on our diverse themes.

Whether you love traditional fantasy and role playing, or are interested in a more casual environment, we're the MUD for you. Players are invited to explore our vast areas, join our many tribes, roleplay, or just chat with our wonderful base of experienced, friendly players and staff.

The Immortal staff are very dedicated and active amd there is a large veteran player base that is friendly and helpful.

A few of Emperias features include: - 20 PC Races and 21 PC classes - Multi-level Remort System - Over 100 areas and thousands of rooms - Built in quests mob quets - Tribe/Clan System - Mortal Point Reward System (For special rewards) - Own your own Personal Room - Custimize Equipment and Weapons with rewards - Hero Point System (final level point system, for further char development) - Many Immortal run Quests - Banking system - New Features being developed and added constantly.

So why not come check us out for yourself and make some new friends.

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Review posted by Megabyte
Posted on Thu Oct 25 13:30:49 2012 / 0 comments
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Emperia has been my MUD-home since well I started mudding. Everything about Emperia is simply fantastic. The staff, the players, the construction of the MUD, and the system of play are all great.

The Immortals are very helpful and one is always around. Every one has a different set of Skills they bring to the MUD. As well and make sure every player is being taken care of.

The players are simply amazing! There is almost always someone around to ask questions or simply chat with while you slay the monsters of the world. They are more than willing to help you learn the ways of Emperia. I mean who knows maybe you could make some friends along the way.

The first thing I will mention about the areas of Emperia, is they are very customized with each description being well written and different. Secondly the world is Huge, you can explore for years and possibly still not know all there secrets.

There is a ton of well-thought out, fully customizable races and classes to choose from. The fighting system is not overly complicated and fairly easy to use. Making new players feel at home quickly.

So, what are you waiting for?

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Review posted by Lewis
Posted on Fri May 4 20:04:57 2007 / 0 comments
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'Still growing strong with updates and everything!' If you like a player friendly feel and tons of options and excitment, then Emperia is the place for you! You'll enjoy everything about Emperia. Come to become the strongest in the land, or stay and chat with friends and relatives.

Join in the roleplay as it draws you into a whole new world worth the wait. Emperia will bring you a warm atmoshpere as you will discover friends in high and low places. You will appreciate being part of the Emperia 'family,' as everyone is kind and above all friendly. You can't go wrong with Emperia. It'll rock your socks!

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Review posted by Cavcav
Posted on Sat Nov 18 19:37:03 2006 / 0 comments
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Hello there mudders and...muddettes. I'm what you would call an 'oldbie' when it comes to Emperia. I've been there since about 3 weeks after the original code opened, and I haven't left since. Emperia has been my MUD-home ever since. Everything about Emperia is simply fantastic. The staff, the players, the construction of the MUD, and the system of play are all great reasons to come and to stay!

The immortals, led by the implementors Emastochi, Hopper, and Merlin, play such an intricate role in the well-being of all the players on the MUD, and the MUD in general. All of the immortals have specific expertise in what they do, and provide a very welcoming staff for any newcomers.

Speaking of welcoming, though, the players are amazing! A steady playerbase of some fun-loving and helpful people provides just the atmosphere for someone who is new to Mudding or new to Emperia. There's usually someone around to talk to, and new friends are inevitable.

Through exploration of the MUD, the first thing to notice is that it is HUGE! There are tons of areas, and tons of rooms, all with their own surprises and separate descriptions, to make an intricate and exciting new world to explore...AKA Thera!

Finally, the system of play is very well-thought out and easy to use. With a plethora of races and classes to choose from(which are fully customizable), every player is different. The fighting system is easy to use and fun, and the general coding is superb(Kudos, Emas.)

So, let me just say one more thing. If you haven't checked out Emperia yet...what are you waiting for?! Come and make our home your home.

Hope to see you soon! -Cavcav

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Review posted by Dragmor
Posted on Sat Nov 4 20:30:27 2006 / 0 comments
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I have been playing on Emperia for about 2 months. It is the friendliest mud i have come across in a long, long time(i have a habit of playing for awhile and leaving cause the people are rude). This is NOT the case with Emperia. The staff and Imms are AWESOME to say the least. The players are friendly and helpful. The areas are well laid out and even though they are chalenging, they are not overly difficult. I have played on a few muds over the years and this has to be one of the best i have come across. I have gone so far as to get a couple of my friends from work to join me on the server and they love it.

All the best to Emperia for the future. I hope it stays as awesome as it is. I plan to be there for awhile to come and i hope to learn a great deal from the friendly folks there.

Keep up the AWESOME work guys.

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Review posted by Shalana
Posted on Thu Sep 28 19:54:48 2006 / 0 comments
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I created on Emperia over a year ago, but started playing regularly a few months ago. If you are looking for a MUD that has friendly players and helpful IMMs this could be the MUD for you.

From the first day of creation to when I started coming regularly the players and staff welcomed me with open arms. Many of the players are very helpful and will show you around. Help you find what you need and encourage you to enjoy yourself. If you are looking for a place where you can talk to others and also RP you might find a home here.

I came to Emperia looking to check things out and maybe catch up with some friends along the way what I found was a place that encouraged me to be there with the friendly Staff members and players its hard to go wrong on the MUD.

Emperia has many areas to explore and many things to find if you can expect the unexpected. I have found many of the areas well balanced and fun to play in. There are always favorites places to level when it comes to the players, but I encourage you to explore the less walked paths of Emperia for the experince you gain is well worth it. Many of the areas are well worth seeing and getting the equipment that is held there.

If you like quests you will also find many fun filled quests. Even as a newbie I was able to join in many of the quests and enjoy them. I even took first place in one of them.

I have been hearing rumors about special things that happen. I encourge you to check out this MUD and see for yourself how friendly everyone is and see if you find that you enjoy it just as much as I do.

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Review posted by Twee
Posted on Thu Feb 23 19:34:48 2006 / 1 comment
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Emperia is a good mud for people who are looking for a place for their children to play. We have a wide variety of ages playing, from middling youngsters just coming up on their teens to grandparents (like me!) who tend to keep an eye on things. We even have an entire family who mud together there.

There is no-pk and people are helpful and fairly patient. I tend to lend a hand to newbies (Twee aka Grimalkin aka Yegg aka Snowbird aka LaceWing) as do other players there. Just ask (and be sure to go through mud school!) if you need help.

This is a mud that I will let my own granddaughter play on when she has learned to read sufficiently enough (she's 8 now) to get around and understand what's going on, if you're still wondering should I let my child mud there...

Hopper, Merlin and Emastochi are the IMPs. The areas lean towards the unique, written for Emperia. The game is fairly well-balanced and not too hard. It's Midgaard oriented with alot of the oldest stock areas in the same spot (though perhaps renovated or renamed). All in all an easy mud to play with 4 tiers of remort, lots of custom work done and COLOR *yipee* and ascii pictures throughout the mud.

Come visit us and Enjoy! TweeZy :)

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Comment posted on Mon Feb 20 12:52:45 2006 by Merlin:

A mud is only as good as its players. As stated elsewhere, Emperia is chock full of friendly staff and players that are helpful and willing to assist any who may have questions and concerns.

People like Twee help make Emperia what it is.

Review posted by Bobby (Johann)
Posted on Tue Dec 27 21:27:26 2005 / 0 comments
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Emperia is by far one of the most enjoyable MUDs that I have had the pleasure of playing. Emperia has gone unnoticed for several years, but now business is picking up, if you could call it a business.

Currently our numbers are growing amongst the Emperia family and any new members will be welcomed with open arms. Emperia is known for being friendly and joyous. There is never a hostile conversation looming over your shoulder and any minor disagreements are worked out within minutes with gentle reason.

The immortals, Emastochi at the head along with Merlin, are always prepared to take your suggestions into consideration as well as lend a helping hand. I cannot think of a time where I have been in mortal peril without thinking of the swift actions of an IMM or fellow player who was more than willing to put things right.

With plenty of helping hands in stock Emperia is great for the experianced player, a brand new player, or anyone in between. Join in the fun! But don't wait too long, because then you may miss some outrageously hilarious conversation.

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Review posted by GhostLord
Posted on Wed Dec 14 20:47:41 2005 / 0 comments
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Emperia is a good place for both the experienced and the newbie mudder. It has stocked areas with little or a lot of makeovers, and many areas that are unique and fresh... and, of course, newer areas are always in the making (with over 30 unique areas presently).

Though the Immortal staff isn't always visibly active, they are still working and watching to improve the mud and continue fairness from things like Multi-Assisting and Power Leveling. And even with new area additions, new codes and quests, the staff tries to be generally available to assist players on a daily basis. The people of Emperia (both players and Imms) are some of the coolest I've met in sometime. Most are friendly and helpful and really add to the mudding environment.

Another one of the things I liked about it is the possibility of remort. With remorting, you are can gain a variety of new classes and races, each with new skills/spells. So each time you advance to a high tier, you can be grow a little stronger and take on some of the more advance mobs in the Emperian world. But even if you choose not to remort right away (... if ever), there are many places to explore and puzzles/quests to solve. There are many hero quests with great rewards, for those who hero and wish to continue questing the mud. (BTW, there are probably still hero quests yet solved or found by our past heroes).

Also with the many quests that can pop up (mini quests, mob quests, seasonal quest, immortal quests, tribe quests, or even a player hosting their own quest), you can also request a personal quests which can be done by yourself, or group with someone to do that with them. The prize is Valour Points (VPs) which you can use to buy from a list of prizes that are extensive, rare, or customized.... and even includes you getting a personal room(s).

And with about any mud, there are the immortals (staff) that help in many ways. Also, they aren't the types that are the 'my way or the highway' or 'I'm always right' type of people. They try to be fair to everyone and playing no favorites.... they listen to complaints and ideas from all the players, new and old. And though I'm not the type to say this much, most of the IMMs on Emperia are by far they greatest I've seen on MANY muds and better than many I've heard about and never seen on myself. *whispers* but don't go around repeating that TOO much, hate to cause an ego-trip, ya' know (J/K)

To the negative side, we had a little down time for a bit and our playerbase is slowly trying to build back up. So you might get on and see no one, or see alot of people, or just miss all the invis/sneaking players, SO try looking about for a little before assuming there is no one there.

As of the time this was written, even I don’t know who or how many will be on when I get there. So, I say: log on, look around, ask questions... most of the people there to help you with about anything they can. There are so many options to be able to mud in any way you want to whatever fits you best. Whether it's role playing, questing, exploring, leveling like a madman, or just plain hanging out doing nothing, you can find what you want at Emperia. All in all, Emperia has always been just a great place to be.

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Review posted by Thraken
Posted on Wed Jun 22 05:22:37 2005 / 0 comments
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Emperia is a great MUD environment for players of all types. The players are friendly to newcomers and the IMM staff is interactive with the players on a regular basis. From custom quests for players of high levels, to exploration of the 100+ areas, to the multi-tier remort system which allows specialized races for remorting characters, Emperia will provide a 'home away from home' for anyone seeking an active and dynamic playing environment.

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Review posted by Merlin
Posted on Wed Mar 30 20:22:45 2005 / 0 comments
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A mud is more than the decription provided and the reviews posted. However. a player's comments not only hint at what might be inside, but tell alot about the players themselves.

Emperia provides a friendly atmosphere and exciting playing experience. We not only pride ourselves with catering to the needs of newbies, but can honestly say that our mud is also a great place for the veteran to enjoy themselves.

Here are some of the great options we offer:

Arena Based PvP (Non-Lethal) Personal Character Banking Extensive Tribal Activity (Clans) Personal and Tribal based Quests A rich roleplaying environment (Participation is optional) Experince Point Quests (For those that do not wish to always fight for EXP) Valor Point Reward System (For quests, fair play and good deeds towards other players)

Beyond the provided list above, Emperia offers many choices that may make it an ideal place for all your MUDding needs.

Please feel free to stop by and see for yourself. And tell em Merlin Sent ya. :)

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Review posted by Mirri/Atiari
Posted on Sun Dec 26 20:11:53 2004 / 0 comments
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Emperia is not your average ROM MUD. They are running off the Ghostmud codebase which is a derivitive of ROM. It's quite a good MUD with a detailed race and class system, which allows you to remort 3 times into 4 different tiers.

While I'm still a novice here, I'm learning things fast from the friendly staff and players here. It's challenging, but at the same time fun, and if you're looking for a place that doesn't hand you Hero status on a platter, you may have just found a new home!

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Review posted by Thor
Posted on Sat Nov 20 20:20:47 2004 / 0 comments
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Looking for a place to call home? Emperia is the place! This mud has TONS of stuff to do. We have a great immortal team who give out awesome quests. There are several original areas and even the stock ones have been almost completely redone.

Spell casters...Well, we have about 500 some odd spells, warrior types? How would you like to deal in the 100 points of damage with some awesome skills like CIRCLE or ASSASSINATE! And thieves you get to flee without losing experience or maybe even master the skill of the deadly darts. So come and join us and see the past come to life!

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Review posted by Cabal
Posted on Mon Nov 8 18:25:02 2004 / 0 comments
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After playing this mud for a few years, I finally feel informed enough to post a review. The answer is 42. Seriously, this mud is pretty awesome. The immortals are fair and complement each other well in their abilities. They are uber-friendly or cool, and a few are both. ;-)

The areas are mainly unique providing new areas for you to explore. A few of them are very challenging and are not for the novice player, incorporating attention to detail and tough tasks. However, there are some 'comfort' stock areas so it's not overwhelming.

The players range in personality, from kind and helpful to hysterical to plain wicked. There is a balance of male to female players, and I am not sure why I mention this.

There is an arena battle system to allow players to fight each other, rewarded in arena points, without the penalities of death. There are various tribes covering many different rp styles. Tribe creation is also allowed, so you and a bunch of your buddies can start one.

You can choose from many races and classes, each with unique skills and abilities, with more options available when you remort. When you do join, just remember ... dang can't think of anything to say here.

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Review posted by Shadowblade
Posted on Sun Feb 22 22:52:42 2004 / 0 comments
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Although it took a bit of time and patience to make the transition from pure-pk MUDs to a Diku, I have had many great experiences and learned much while playing Emperia. When I was only a low-level newbie, I found it interesting that even the highest-level players were willing to help the new players. Thanks to them, I was able to make the transition quite easily. Even to this day, any time a new player or low-level player logs on, they still always ask, “Do you need anything?” or some variation of that.

Also, the staff and immortals here are very friendly and at least one of them is on at all times. The tribe/clan system on Emperia seems to be one of the only ones that actually works, and Emperia doesn’t have much down-time (in fact, none so far for as long as I’ve been playing).

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Review posted by Cloud
Posted on Sun Feb 22 00:38:22 2004 / 0 comments
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I have been playin Emperia for some time now and that's astonishing considering i get bored with things quickly. In that space of time, the mud has undergone many changes, mainly for the best of the mud.

Right now the mud is doing great, so many races and classes to pick, and my favorite, the ability to remort to a high tier of races and classes.

The mud is a very newbie friendly and very easy to learn. Both the players and staff are very helpful.

If you're looking for a place to relax and have fun i would truly recommend joining Emperia, In my opinion the greatest mud out there.

Cloud Dragon Deathknight, and protector of Balance. Join Emperia Today.

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Review posted by Aladar
Posted on Tue Jan 27 20:24:43 2004 / 0 comments
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Looking for a mud home? Try Emperia. Wide player base, with many player built areas that are not on other muds. A non PK mud that is excellent for a first time player, or for those experienced players looking for good time and something different. Four established Tribes, or you are welcome to freelance.

I personally have worked through three tiers of character building on this mud, it is challenging as well as fun.

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Review posted by Daizee
Posted on Fri Dec 5 21:46:27 2003 / 0 comments
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EMPERIA: A friendly place to MUD, not only in terms of the players, but the MUD has been built to be very friendly and helpful. Chock-full of entertaining familiars (like Willy Wonka) and a kind staff that maintains a fun and fair environment.

Even the players have gotten in to the helping spirit! One player created a character just for the purpose of assisting newbies! On my first day, an Implementor demoted himself to level one just to make me feel more at home! Imagine the hilarity when he tried to do a CR without changing his level back! Lots of good rules for a safe atmosphere!

Come in and see us some time!

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Review posted by Nightwalker
Posted on Thu Nov 13 18:40:20 2003 / 0 comments
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I have been playing Emperia since about two years ago. I have had fun on Emperia all the time. It is the best and most challenging mud I have found. It is easy to learn how to play. I have gotten on others and I could not get past level five.

I am a second tier hero on Emperia now and hoping to make third tier hero by my birthday next year. I have gotten all but one of my family on this mud and we all love it. All the players are really nice and will help newbies to mudding and to old mudders, but new to the game.

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Review posted by Alaenna
Posted on Tue Aug 2 17:08:36 2005 / 2 comments
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Everyone can believe that the MUD that they play is the best ever. But Emperia can give you something more than that. With a great playerbase and excellent staff, once you leave you'll forever want to come back for more.

In Emperia, a cool, unique MUD school meets you when you first log on. And after fighting demon squirrels and frat boys, players are encouraged to level in the 97 different areas available for play. As four different tribes compete to be on the top, weekly lotteries, quests from both players and immortals and a valor point system allows players to interact with the world around them. Once players reach the hero status after 91 levels, they can continue on to their second tier of life, which unlocks more races, classes and other hidden stuffs. With four tiers total, many race and class options are available. Overall, Emperia currently has the option of a total 25 races that can be mixed in with over 25 original classes.

The people of Emperia are just awesome. They are probably the most kind peeps that I've ever met in my MUDding life and forever will be. Players are always willing to help each other, and the immortal staff is always there to listen to player views on how the MUD could be made better.

Emperia is the MUD community's Motel 6. 'We'll leave the light on for ya.'

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Comment posted on Thu Oct 30 19:22:39 2003 by Aravan:

Well, seeing the wonderful review that Alaenna wrote just made me feel great to be part of Emperia. I've been mudding with Emperians for over two years and all I can say is that I have yet to come across another mud with kinder, more caring imms and a player base that so accepting of new people.

It's not just a mud, it's a large communal family that cares for each other and helps the mud grow as a whole.

It has one of the best heavily modified codebases i've seen, with more features than I know what to do with. All I can say to you immies is keep up the good work, you've certanly created a world that breathes life and character in every letter that pops up on the screen. :)

Comment posted on Sat Jul 23 06:57:30 2005 by Missdomeaner:

Alaenna says it all, or almost, in this review. As a character on the mud I find that the atmosphere is one of the best to be offered. The players work together and are not beyond offering a helping hand to newbies that do not abuse the offers.

Wonderful new additions built by players of the mud add a unique atmosphere to Emperia.

And yes, the light has been left on for us.

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