Asgardian Nightmare


Asgardian Nightmare is a place to hang out, chill, and play with other people interested in the same stuff as you while enjoying some of the old days. This version ran is run by Riven who helped code some aspects back in the late 90s and early 2000s. We have a range of new additions from tournaments, a new kingdom clan system removing the old one and a player based boosting system that allows to control some of the global aspects of the game. With the kingdom system players can create a kingdom with a cost and recruit other players in the game to help build and maintain the keep of the castle. Create wars and treaties. But be warned you can be destroyed just as easily. Sit back relax level and enjoy the game and what it brings. Any suggestions and or ideas can be implemented within reason and no good ideas are turned down.

Additional Noted Features:

  • Players can create and destroy other player kingdoms.
  • Players in kingdoms can create and modify gear.
  • Tournaments are held to display skills and reap rewards.

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Asgardian Nightmare Stats
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# Days Listed10
Last Connection StatusConnect Refused
# Days With Status6
Total Telnet Attempts23723.700
Total Website Attempts00.000
Telnet Attempts This Month2377.645
Website Attempts This Month00.000