Asgard's Honor


Asgard's Honor is a heavily customized DGD LPMud. No stock areas, no poorly described objects!

* 13 races, each with their own size, strengths and weaknesses. There is also a means of making a custom race. * 14 unique guilds, individually geared toward a particular style. * 21 Player character attributes and spell/skill classes * Over 50 spells - Offensive, Defensive, Healing, Conjuring, Teleportation, It's all here. * Achieve up to 10 levels of power or 'ascend' beyond. * 16 flavors of spell foci available - earth, water, air, fire, light, shadow, sonic * A tried and true combat system with three forms of physical damage: bashing, slashing, and thrusting. Use them to your advantage against each unique scenario you face. Load up with armors and resistances to protect you from magical attacks! * Advanced monster AI: Monsters will do more than just fight back. They'll afflict your character with various nasty curses, diseases, and poisons, taunt and chase, set traps and call for help. Defeating a dragon on Asgard is truly an accomplishment. * Familiars can be found to carry your stuff or help you fight. * Incredible depth and detail in EVERY object. No noun goes undescribed. We even have lore and evaluate spells that uncover extra detail about creatures and weapons to help with quests or add depth to the story.

Mud Theme: Fantasy

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