Silberland (SL) is a german-spoken LPmud in Austria. It is 24 hours reachable. The players may become Seers ('Seher', hi-level player) or Wizards ('Magier') after fulfilling a number of quests and exploring the world sufficiently.
SL features regions of different themes, size and levels. Seers have the opportunity to build their own houses and are able to utilize magic gates to walk shorter paths for long distances.
Silberland is open to up to 100 players with an average of 40 to 50 during daytime. It offers extensive communication features such as a mail system (including a gateway to the internet), newspaper, channels, and more, newbies are most welcome and helped around a lot by others. You can have a (limited) look around at our website without even required to login!
Mud Theme: Fantasy
Raw Data | Average Data | |
# Days Listed | 6363 | |
Last Connection Status | Connected | |
# Days With Status | 359 | |
Total Telnet Attempts | 861 | 0.135 |
Total Website Attempts | 854 | 0.134 |
Telnet Attempts This Month | 813 | 26.226 |
Website Attempts This Month | 699 | 22.548 |