

HoloTrek is a Star Trek-themed role-playing game on a timeline that branched from the events of TNG/DS9 around the first season of DS9. The game attempts to remain true to the Star Trek universe; canon is highly regarded.

Players may choose to join the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Rihannsu (Romulan) Empire or remain independent.

The game is primarily role-playing, but is supported by advanced space, combat, skills, and economic systems. A full commodities market economy is available for those that wish to strike out on their own as freelance traders, merchants, pirates, mercenaries, and spies.

HoloTrek welcomes both experienced and new roleplayers to the game. Good roleplay is rewarded; players who develop good roleplaying skills will find their characters growing in power and influence.

More information can be found on the game's wiki at www.holotrek.net.

Mud Theme: Star Trek

HoloTrek Mud Reviews

6 reviews found, Post a review

Review posted by Avrak
Posted on Wed Mar 25 21:38:59 2009 / 0 comments
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When I initially discovered HoloTrek, I really wasn't sure what to expect out of a MUSH like this. At the time, I was looking for a Star Trek based game to roleplay in, but not something which would involve hours of endless grinding and hacking away to 'get the best character'. I had recently been dismayed with a popular MMORPG, having played that for several months at the recommendation of a friend, due to the aforementioned grinding and questing.

The MUSH environment was not at all new to me; I have been exposed to text-based games for quite some time now, beginning back in the 80's with Scott Adams' Adventureland and continuing on with Infocom--which still, to this day, remains some of my favorite games ever, and on to the MUDs of the 90s. What made these games special to me (especially the Infocom variety) was the wit, humor, and well-played out story behind it all. It was an experience that has stuck with me like no other computer game since has done and forever changed the way that I view games in general. In short, complex graphics and flashy visuals are great and all, but I find that for the large part these games are little more than forgettable when the next new, big flashy game hits the shelves; the real memories lie in the games which focus on story and development.

Much to my surprise, the people I met in HoloTrek felt much the same way that I did: they love the story. As a role playing MUSH, the plots and stories that I encountered served to provide excitement, character development, humor, and even downright intriguing political games. Members were warm and friendly to me when I was a newbie, encouraging me and helping every step of the way whenever I needed it. The quality of the roleplay was either on par or exceeding that of which I found in live action roleplay games I have been involved in previously, and even though I began my HoloLife right in the middle of an ongoing plot, the characters found ways to include me and make me feel welcome in this fascinating world.

So if you are like me and are seeking a game which you will come back to day after day with intriguing plots, a variety of characters and personalities to interact with, and the potential for developing your character and watching him or her grow and live out their life in this virtual universe, then I encourage you to give HoloTrek a try. It is an experience that I have never found anywhere else--online or off.

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Review posted by Avrak
Posted on Wed Mar 25 20:40:15 2009 / 0 comments
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When I initially discovered HoloTrek, I really wasn't sure what to expect out of a MUSH like this. At the time, I was looking for a Star Trek based game to roleplay in, but not something which would involve hours of endless grinding and hacking away to 'get the best character'. I had recently been dismayed with World of Warcraft, having played that for several months at the recommendation of a friend, due to the aforementioned grinding and questing.

The MUSH environment was not at all new to me; I have been exposed to text-based games for quite some time now, beginning back in the 80's with Scott Adams' Adventureland and continuing on with Infocom--which still, to this day, remains some of my favorite games ever, and on to the MUDs of the 90s. What made these games special to me (especially the Infocom variety) was the wit, humor, and well-played out story behind it all. It was an experience that has stuck with me like no other computer game since has done and forever changed the way that I view games in general. In short, complex graphics and flashy visuals are great and all, but I find that for the large part these games are little more than forgettable when the next new, big flashy game hits the shelves; the real memories lie in the games which focus on story and development.

Much to my surprise, the people I met in HoloTrek felt much the same way that I did: they love the story. As a role playing MUSH, the plots and stories that I encountered served to provide excitement, character development, humor, and even downright intriguing political games. Members were warm and friendly to me when I was a newbie, encouraging me and helping every step of the way whenever I needed it. The quality of the role play was either on par or exceeding that of which I found in live action role play games I have been involved in previously, and even though I began my HoloLife right in the middle of an ongoing plot, the characters found ways to include me and make me feel welcome in this fascinating world.

So if you are like me and are seeking a game which you will come back to day after day with intriguing plots, a variety of characters and personalities to interact with, and the potential for developing your character and watching him or her grow and live out their life in this virtual universe, then I encourage you to give HoloTrek a try. It is an experience that I have never found anywhere else--online or off.

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Review posted by Ikas
Posted on Wed Apr 9 22:05:36 2008 / 0 comments
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I came to Holotrek with fairly high expectations, mostly from the descriptions on TMC and on Holotrek's own site. After a week or two of playing, I was hooked. I had played several MUDs before, mostly of the hack-and-slash variety, but when I came upon Holotrek, I wasn't treated like just another newbie to be ignored, but rather welcomed as a real person and potential member of the team. I was patiently and clearly taught about RP. They helped me create my character and integrated me into the game as smoothly as possible.

Now, I am the commanding officer of the PC ship for the United Federation of Planets, and have lived through large scale battles, mental torture, abduction, perilous detective work, encounters with crazy computers and renegade ghost ships, directors new and old and I wouldn't trade the experience of these years for anything in the world. I urge anyone who is considering it to log on, to see for yourself. Someday soon, you too may be in the center seat, and coming up with potential plotlines and solutions to current problems on the verge of sleep, or in your car, or wherever you might be during your day.

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Review posted by Shihaya
Posted on Thu Aug 10 20:33:28 2006 / 0 comments
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I have been playing Holotrek for close to four years and I must say it is the most pleasant gaming experience I have ever encountered. I came from a hack n slash MUD and did not know quite what to expect. But when I logged onto Holo for the first time, I was welcomed by the playerbase. Unlike the MUD, they taught me how to RP and took special care with helping set up my character despite how ill-suited I appeared to be to a RP-based game.

Four years later, through ebbs and waves of activity, directors joining and leaving, countless space stations being destroyed and even genocide, I found myself at the helm of the finest ship in the fleet and firmly engrained into the hearts of many players... some of whom I hope I will remain in contact with for many years to come.

They also gave me some sort of award or something. I dunno. But to you, the prospective player, I give a warning. While the pace of a RP-based M* may not be like the frenzied blood-fests found elswhere, you may become as hooked as I am. Plots may begin to form in your mind at the grocery store, aimed at stealing back some trinket from an alien government. The thought of revenge over a fallen comrade may brew as you look over your torpedo stores for a looming war.

Holo is what you make it to be. Log on and tell your tale.

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Review posted by Matt
Posted on Sat Jul 2 19:23:13 2005 / 0 comments
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While we all have a soft spot for our first games, I like to think my high opinion of Holotrek is based more on its actual level of quality, rather than just on my familiarity with it.

The roleplay there is the highest quality I've encountered anywhere else, however new players are welcomed with open arms and guided in a constructive and helpful manner, with no animosity towards those whose skills are not yet up to the standard we've come to expect. The code is very user friendly and intuitive and the space and economy are both complex without being difficult to use.

The players are friendly and freely available to play, almost any time of day or night. Staff are based in the US, Australia and Europe, allowing for someone from staff to be on and active almost 24/7.

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Review posted by Sting
Posted on Mon Oct 4 19:35:16 2004 / 0 comments
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In my opinion, Holotrek is the best Star-trek based online text game arouned.

All of the code is unique as far as I'm aware. The space system is excellent, and isn't like flying a calculator (like Aspace). The game has everything from a detailed player/object damange system to an entertaining and accurate weapons system and computer systems.

The game is an extremely friendly place to play, newbies will be helped and encouraged. The staff are helpful, friendly and most of all fun. I've played the game for a good few years now, and not had one bad experience with anyone.

I HIGHLY recommend playing this game.

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