GNSmud is a text-based game with a AD&D Forgotten Realms theme, and is based on ShadowDale MUD with updated code and new features, from which it branched off in 2014. It have remained in active development since.
The MUD features 18 races and 11 classes, with possibilities for single, duel and tri-classing. In true AD&D style it have some class/race restrictions, as well as some multi-class options being only available for some races.
GNSmud is a hard MUD, and death doesn't come without penalty, makign you really respect death, with your corpse with it's equipment falling down where you die
When creating a new character the player have options to spawn in the race's hometown or in Shadowdale. It's recommended to start in Shadowdale as there is more people present there and the training grounds might have donated equipment.
As of summer 2017, the community have had an revival thanks to redditors reading a former players exiting tales of playing and have 3-15 player online any given moment.
Mud Theme: forgotten realms
Raw Data | Average Data | |
# Days Listed | 267 | |
Last Connection Status | Connected | |
# Days With Status | 265 | |
Total Telnet Attempts | 324 | 1.213 |
Total Website Attempts | 650 | 2.434 |
Telnet Attempts This Month | 303 | 9.774 |
Website Attempts This Month | 559 | 18.032 |