At its core, Armageddon Mud is poorly coded game. The world is small and rather empty. There is no reason to explore since there is nothing to find or discover at the edges of the world At best you find insta-death rooms and lose your character and time investment. There are also no quests, no treasures, and the over all game-play, mechanics and, economy is rather simple.
The mud had two things going for it, an excellent theme taken from dark sun and a healthy player base which made the game fun to play. Where this game was supposed to shine was stories, RP and interactions.
Unfortunately this game suffers from toxic staff who along with their close friends have slowly dwindled the playerbase to less than 1/3 of its original size. Sometimes you can only find 20-25 people during prime time, these people spread across several areas and sometimes just remain idle or are afk. The continual loss of their play base has not made the staff change their attitude. They still insult and belittle their players and when players finally speak up they get punished and banned. They do this in game and through emails, if there are forum outburst by staff, those are usually deleted. There is a forum by ex-players dedicated to former players about their experiences,even posting pictures of the rude emails they have received from staff.
It was the healthy player base that made this game fun, by alienating the majority of those players and driving them away all that is left is a boring and beak game play experience. The recent additions to their code and class does nothing to change the game, especially in a mud with such a poor world devoid of any meaningful content/npcs. You are asked to invest a huge amount of time in order to get anywhere, however this is just a lie. After investing time and effort in making this bleak game fun for yourself, you will not find fun or exciting stories, instead you will a mud staff that will not respect you as a player, or even as a person, and cause you to lose that investment by killing your character or just insulting you and causing you to leave. The players remaining are often friends of staff, and will be equally as toxic, they will also outright kill your character without reason, cause or RP.
There are better ways to spend your time.
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