I came to Armageddon searching for a rich and immersive roleplaying experience with the hopes that it also came with a community that liked to have fun. I was very shocked to find that many players here cannot separate the game from real life and act just as badly on Discord and the game forums as their characters do in the game.
The game has a harsh setting, so it is understandable that players will play bad people. But they don't have to be bad people in Discord and the forum. When you go on the game's Discord only to be flooded with creepy sexual and racial jokes, and this behavior is not only the norm, but completely supported by the staff who moderate the chat, you have to wonder if Armageddon attracts bad people, or turns good people into bad people. When I have said that people should calm down I was private messaged by both players and staff. Many were rude and told me, in harsher words, that I was being a buzzkill for being offended by racist and sexist behavior. The rest told me that what they do kind of sucks, but it's the norm and that they hoped I would enjoy the game despite the community surrounding it.
However these people are missing the point: a MUD is supposed to be a community just as much as it is a game. If you can't enjoy the community, how are you expected to enjoy the game? Would you play a tabletop D&D game with people you don't like? It does not make any sense.
Avoid this game at all costs until they do something to fix the community and remove players and staff members who are aggressive towards women and minority players. They are a stain on the MUD community that may never go away until the MUD community makes the effort to keep away.
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