Take my advice. Give an indie MUD a shot over this.
Roleplay: Sindome follows very simple rules regarding this. 'If code allows it'. From there, it's the average fare. Code abuse, minimalist RP, and Out Of Character and In Character divide far too thin.
Mechanics: Mechanics are considered 'In-Character'. Metaknowledge about the game's systems are jealously guarded, to the point that the games help channel has a long history of 'Find out IC' responses (That they think is actually charming, instead of both alienating and undermining the point of having a Help Channel). Yes, this includes key features to your role. Yes, this means you have no guarantee if your role is even useful.
Internally inconsistent rules: In-character scenes of forced sex (Text simulated rape) is a bannable offense. Referencing such actions in-character is highly against the rules, out of respect for players. +Instances of teen abduction, and alleyway rape (As an unclever 'implication' technicality to be edgy.) occur in flavor-text constantly in some areas. Undermining the rule being out of respect for people with trauma in this regards.
Community harm impacts the game as it functions. If I were to consistently corner and bully a subset of players, this would net me a ban. Rules against bullying against admins exist, as it should, as they are people too, and deserve the respect as such. +Please refer to each and every 'Cerberus' complaint on these reviews. Nothing has changed. You will be personally insulted by him for even suggesting anything. The sheer amount of people babying him is silly.
General Spite Towards Players: Something in my experience with Sindome is the sheer amount of 'othering' that occurs here. If you do not focus on combat, you are the problem. If you roleplay anything above a two word response, you are the problem. If you aren't familiar with the codebase right out of chargen, you're the problem.
Every review and suggestion about staff and the game itself suffers from this view. Issues are ignored, and you're the enemy for suggesting them.
Your character is viewed as a 'Failure' if you choose to fuck people over in a slow-burn, or in a way that doesn't end in them being killed. The only way you avoid scathing criticism is if you're willing to bully new players who barely even know the mechanics, nor able to defend themselves in a meaningful story. The story just ends.
The game has a notorious reputation from other, better crafted MUDs for being a very negative, toxic place. It feels somewhat shameful that 'Cyberpunk Roleplay' is now forced to be a min-max fest when it advertises itself as story rich.
Play the game if you want the feeling of hand-waived Roleplay and just mashing your characters stats against another. Don't, if you want to play a game in the vein of Cyberpunk 2020. (IE: Non-combat features in storytelling, all skills useful, all backgrounds useful/etc.)
Because sometimes finding out IC is a bad thing, when it's a disappointing story about players, even admins, breaching the In Character-Out of Character divide to try and harass players.
The time spent to reach this conclusion wasn't worth the journey. But without comment, neither staff will improve their attitude, nor problems addressed.
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