Having hit nearly my seven year mark here at LotJ, I have to say I leave it with mixed feelings. Upon beginning to play, it was still a metropolis of well RPed characters, fun player driven timelines and a superb code; probably the most extensive and molded I've seen of the remaining Star Wars MUDs. I have spent a good portion of my adult life fine tuning and RPing characters here. In '07 I think I saw the player count hit 85 or more on a rare occation.
Unfortunately, fast forward to 2012, and we see a largely deminished player base. 45 to 50 people on at a time. Most of those good RPers I mentioned before have been driven off and are replaced by constantly hiding in your clan base because the IMMs cowtow to a clique of players who actively alienate and wage war on any who oppose them, make them feel threatened or have done either of these things in past timelines to them.
They control half of the galaxy, two of the major playing clans of this era and a ton of Capitol ships. Pretty much if you're someone like myself, there is no redemption, only PKs or straight up hiding in your future.
Not only do the IMMs constantly overlook their poorly RPed in character decisions, player kills and metagaming, but a handful actively use their IMMship to further their own IC agendas all while helping the clique out constantly with free IC swag and zero penalties for rule violations.
The extreme bias I've seen as this mud has switched owners is disheartening, and ultimately the reason I am departing after playing for the majority of a decade. At one point this MUD was player driven, RP based and fun. As it is now, if you're not on one of the IMMs good sides, appart of the super clique who always gets what they want with half the effort, or possibly Jesus, you probably will not have fun on this mud in the long haul. Might be fun for a short stint, though. Just try not to get to know the terrible people.
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