I've been playing FK for nearly a year now, and I don't see myself stopping any time soon. To start with, the game is newbie friendly. The playerbase is supportive of new characters and there are plenty of volunteers to answer your questions and help you out if you need it. Player-killing is very strictly controlled under RP guidelines so you don't have to worry about being sniped as soon as you leave the training area.
The game world is based on Forgotten Realms, and if you're already a fan you have plenty of chances to show off your knowledge. But it's equally forgiving for people like me, who had nothing more than a vague idea of the setting and no MUDding experience when they first logged on! Players are concerned with good roleplay more than questing and bashing for XP - there are loads of player driven events to get involved in which add immensely to the richness of the game world. In my time here I have seen performances by bards, jousting contests, traveling merchants, religious celebrations, weddings...
The game is constantly changing, with new areas being built and new quests and items added. The forums are extremely active and any player is welcome to make suggestions for improvements or new features. The players and staff really care about the world they inhabit and want to improve it.
FK is addictive and I have been known to stay logged in for over 10 hours at a stretch, wasting my weekends in front of the keyboard and clocking over 100 hours per month. Yes - This game is just that good! If you are serious about roleplay and are tired of little snots running around claiming 'chaotic evil' is an excuse to slaughter other players at will, or are sick of people chatting about what they're watching on TV while you're exploring a dungeon, then give FK a try. If you prefer hack'n'slash and want to become an uber-powerful killing machine, then this game is not for you.
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