Shattered World is by far the worst mud i've seen in a long time. The immortals(coders) are rude, stubborn and abuse players. Of the list of players who have submitted their own review, you will notice that..
-Mutaki, does not play anymore. -Jewels, I've never seen this player and i've been playing for a long time, so they do not play anymore, nor have i ever seen him/her.
-Harmony, this is a kid in grade 10 who believes it's ok for immortals not to do any work of any kind if they don't want to. Apparently it's a privelege that they devote their time to do nothing. I wouldn't be suprised if he believed in the tooth fairy too. So don't take those words to heart.
-Mouser, does not play anymore. -Tigo, a member of the staff, trying to trick players into going. -David Corbett, I believe i know who this is, but am uncertain, however if it is who i believe it to be, he does not play anymore
-Gladia, recent once every 3 week visits to maintain her place. -Pharaik, does not play anymore -Dyskilian, does not play anymore. Now, i don't want you to believe this is just a few of many players. Because it is not, there is at any given time no more than 4-5 palyers on. Normally it is just myself and a few coders. The immortals(coders) are rude and very close-minded.
This rant was inspired for numerous events where my character was abused by coders to the point i lost everything i had been on the mud to gain, skills, wealth, ect..
From all the other reviews, as i stated above, they don't play anymore. It is a dead-end mud.
I would like to state that i find the vast amount of code to be exceptional, i have not seen a mud with so many abilities, however they have been poorly implemented, and the coders do not feel it is their duty to fix most problems. A common response for them would be along the lines of, 'We aren't required to do anything'.
In closing, I find the mud is run much like monkeys on a typewriters, lots of working being done, none of it useful.
It must be made clear the review above is that of statements made by my own personal opinion(s).
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