I've been playing at Adventures Unlimited for nearly four years now.
I've tried other MUDs, sure...but something has kept me here. Maybe
they put something in the water. ^^;
AU is constantly working towards eliminating all stock areas, and
actually isn't too far off at this point. And the custom areas are
_good_. In recent years they've implemented a great temple system
which really bolsters roleplay. And unlike some places, roleplay
actually is the focus here. There's no player killing without it,
which is essential in a MUD, in my humble opinion.
The quest system is quite evolved, with different questmasters
depending on level and alignment.. not to mention the occassional
immortal-driven quest, which are always a blast. Clans exist within
the temple system, and tradeguilds have been added for additional,
custom skills which are independent from one's race or class.
If all the code modification isn't enough for you, the players should
be. This is where AU truly shines. The staff, and the playerbase
itself, is extremely kind and welcoming. If you have a question or
a problem, it won't take long to get it solved. 'Plus, it has Fuujin!
No other mud has the awesome Fuujin who is best of everything!'
... ^^;;
Do yourself a favor and give this MUD a shot!
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